Show DOCTORS W TO OPERATE mrs mr won teus how lydia E Pink hads vegetable compound Comp oani sated her from an operation ate doctoring for eight or nino nine year different ph ician a without an any y relief relic at allther all they sa lat that med acine would not reach my case ca e and 1 should h have an n 0 operation aeration era tion I 1 had hearson heard of lydia E Pink hams vegetable compound and often saw it advertised in different papers where some abonio women had suffered lost just as I 1 did and got well and strong again agam by tating tho ahn vegetable compound I 1 decided to boseo see what it would do for roe me and before I 1 had finished the fourth bottle lottle i I 1 was much better the tha weakness stopped d and tho the severe pains in my sides left me I 1 UM dm now much stronger and do my 0 own work and work in the factory besides I 1 tm rin still taking tho the vegetable Compo compound uni find give it all thep ralso mrs NELLIE elj SL muskegon mien mich women should heed such warning bamin ani as bearing bearin down pains and wea they indicate g I 1 cicato some female trouble and a persistent and faithful goof of lydia E R Pink hams vegetable compound Cou pound will seldom fail to help D go D Is indispensable in ill all baies of f distemper I 1 lucnia a coughs cough bavec colds coldi I 1 heaves it av es and and cornu among horses ona and mules used and endorsed by leading stock carmi breeders bleeders bre eders s and nd drivers of united states and canada for thirty years year u sold in two sizes at sill all drug stores su fe re 11 U f FOR indigestion 0 INDI r 6 B BELLANS hot water sure felid band AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE bark ar lma iama and achy in the morning t tor aured with backache all day long no wonder you feel worn out and di scour ageal but have you given any thought to your kidneys kid neya weak kidneys cause lost lour such troubles and you are likely la have headaches too with dizziness abbline taL bling yain paini sand and bladder ti don t risk rik neglect vie use doans kidney PUIs pills doans have hare helped they should help you aski your neighbors neigh borl A utah case mrs mra lillie min dun lap utah ave fifth ath south st pay pon on utah bays bay 3 t my kidneys kidney is two e weak and acted irregularly I 1 be t came dizzy ditty and black spots danced before my eyes ily ly back ached constantly I 1 felt tired and worn out alter after ank ini ing doans doana kidney pills I 1 feel asplen di dla gt CW doses it at any stor aton we a 13 boa DOANS P Siy y fositt CO BUr FALO N Y aws COLDS GRIPPE A wv luig in r y told remedy world over demand bax but intoe ft mr hall portrait and sl on 30 canis ut let Cuti cura ilbe be your beauty doctor as as aal soc tl csc W WHY arm the economy econome Is truly the worlds great est eit baking powder it ithael fm produced pure foods better afos for over S one third asmuth ol 01 a ce ile astvat of an tury ay or m P oth other z marr p r branca HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 cent does bonden for lifeless neglected hair A mass of luxuriant hair full of gloss luster and life alfo shortly follows a genuine toning up u P of neglected scalps 8 ca I 1 ps with dependable Dan sanderine Dander derine lne 11 railing hair itching scalp apil and the dandruff Is corrected immediately thin dry n aspy or fading hair Is quickly invigorated taking on new strength color and youthful beauty sanderine Dander Dan derine lne Is delightful on the hair 1 I a refreshing stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy I 1 any drug store advertisement A lady of distinction Is recognized by the delicate fascinating influence of the perfume she ases A bath with with Cuti cura soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse tho the pores followed by a dusting with Cuti cura talcum powder usually means a clear sweet healthy skin advertisement halls medicine Is a combined Treatment both local and internal and has been ful lo in the treatment of catarrh for forty fort years sold by all druggists P F J CHENEY CO toledo ohio GIVE SICK CHILD california FIG SYRUP Harmle laxative for a bellou Bl llou 8 constipated baby or child w constipated bit lous feverish or sick colic babies and children love M to take genuine california fig syrup no other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so nicely it awe sweetens betens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting with out griping contains no narcotics or of soothing drugs say Cali californie fornie to your druggist and avoid counter feltell insist upon alion genuine Calf california fornia nil fig syrup which contains directions advertisement abr ar economical transportation ito every farm needs lf f I 1 ebe EVERY farm needs ceede two automobiles automobile one of which should be a closed model 41 chevrolet ilia open tourin gearls westfor best for general farm use ue angen or perhaps bulky produce or dase but for cold or rainy weather and for church or octal w use A the family needs a dosed closed car either a 2 passenger utility cougias Cou pias paa Illustrate di or the 5 ge r S sedan e d an the ne extra large inge rear compartment li Is a feature of the coupe iles cloned cars can are vex very finely wilde finni shedo upholstered and trimmed the win window g 4 aws are of plate glass glan and can big be lowered dEng KB as ouch abir aa a an open car yet affording full protection against wind rain snow now or coa cold when raided raft with a second car on a farm one Is always available aval lable coir those at home when the other car to li out the low prices price of chevrolet malce make the of two cars car fe aible for most farm fim fu lUci nilles CHEVROLET MOTOR CO DETROIT MICI L division of lutteral lUt motors motor corporation arkes effective september 1 1923 rue five united stater i i a 0 b flint michigan Michl fan plants nants manufacturing sem assembly plants and bayrich or I 2 PM Roada tir two canadian plants tha superior r fam S 41 give five us uj I poss idary largest production capacity in dw 3 world id far a r it kv a cars car and am ig 49 9 make patti pot bl Is our low prica ft bimm IS iso 0 juabn va asa amice swim |