Show L n C 19 h dear reader this is your corner all questions submitted will be cheerfully and carefully answered except those seeking medical advice nam names e a and addresses of business firms cannot be pointed here but bat will be sent if a self addressed stamped envelope accompanies the request questions are limited to two full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can be made all communications are held strictly confidential in requesting poems and songs the correct title the first line 0 or r the narn oaf the author is necessary in order to find them please send stamped addressed envelope also with these requests so they may be forwarded directly to you address letters very plainly with pen and ink to helen brooks box 1545 salt lake city utah SONGS REQUESTED these theae songs and poems ems are on the requested and tob to B bo aund found list will she come from the east meet me in st louis louis ne the following songs and poems have been received during the past week AndI and I 1 wish to thank each one for their kindness in contributing them theirs wandering rome home please mr conductor dont put pu me koff the train with very few exceptions the many kanj songs bonca requested this week are either popular or standard songs which can lie be had in n the music shops and so cannot be furnished through my corner I 1 will b be si veryl very glad to have any of these songs bongs sent to you ou frym from the music stores liere here it you cannot get them in your local stores the prices range from 35 to dear miss bliss brooks brooka this is my first attempt to enter your happy coiner corner I 1 have a few questions to ask may I 1 entert enter 1 what Is the meaning of the name afghanistan the tate state in asla asia 2 Is it proper f for r we girls of 14 to go to a dance with boys of our own age thanking you in advance FAIR fain AUTUMN ot of utah you are most welcome fair autumn 1 afghanistan Is inhabited for the greater part by the afghans and afghan la Is supposed to mean noisy and tumultuous it might be added that it to it a well deserved name tor for they are a turbulent people 2 1 I have tried to answer this question a GO 0 many times that I 1 could only repeat what I 1 have already said over and over until I 1 am sure some of my readers are weary of reading it you will see a answers in the last two issues which will cover this question for you I 1 am sending you one of the songs you request the other Is one of the latest popular songs and so of course I 1 cannot send fend it pear dear bliss brooks I 1 have been reading Bet between wien you tou and me for or sometime and find the an satisfactory 1 Is it alright tor for ii a girl 12 years of age and a boy 15 13 to walk w alk to and from school together a distance of two blocks 2 there la Is a boy in our crowd that acts soft around the girls we have tried to inako him stop atop but ho h wont what 81 ahall hallbe 1 we tell him wishing you success 1 in your work I 1 remain SUNSHINE idaho 0 1 the only harm which could pos sibly come from this simple diversion my dear would be what your school mates would say such as calling you sweethearts etc all such things having a tendency to detract interest and mind from school work hoys boys should form a very very small part in the interests of girls giri 8 of 12 years and my advice concerning the soft gott boy would be to 0 ostracize s him from your crowd until baich u ch time as he comes to his senses and nd learns how to act dear miss bliss brooks I 1 am back again with more questions thank you very much tor for the sons a on g you sent roe me 1 if yau have seen persona a tew few te w times talked with them but dont know their names only through other people Is it feces necessary aar 1 to have an introduction I 1 to 0 them thanking you very cordially I 1 remain BULLA BELLA DONNA idaho you were very welcome to the sang song my dear as an you also are to the one ye you ure request quest this time 1 it Is never advisable a d v I 1 8 aie to make chance fic acquaintances a n ce 9 bella 13 el la donna but having done so BO an introduction would be rather superfluous now doubtless you would feel moris more elt at ease however even now if you could receive introduction do you not think so no dear miss brooks A I 1 received your letter answering my liflet t questions and I 1 want to thank you I 1 have a few morle more questions I 1 would like to find the answers to and I 1 do pot know of a better place to write for or information than to you 1 miss brooks on what attah desert was the covered wagon filmed and how for far Is sleveland pl pi eveland from the what lady and gentlemen played the leading roles 2 1 I am just fifteen years old anil and in high school do you approve of garla my age going out with boys nearly every night the girls I 1 go to school with are always slurring me about not enjoying lift life while you are young just because I 1 do not go out and walk the streets and let the toys boys take liberties when I 1 am in their company please give me advice whether to follow these girls trail or do as I 1 am doing MISS CLEVELAND utah thank you dear 1 the filming of the desert scenes in the covered wagon took place in tho the snake valley d desert art a and n d the wah wan wah desert coveri covering nir the country between IM Ml ilford lford utah anti ami baker nevada T the I 1 ie corn com pany was stationed on a acre ranch 80 miles southwest of and cleveland Is some miles northeast of milford lots lol wilson and dwar warron warren corrigan rigan played the leads in this picture 2 no my dear I 1 do not ap prove ot of girls 15 5 years yeara of rice going out with boys boy nearly every night while in school it for or no other reason than altan that I 1 do not believe it pot possible sible for any girl to have h aab ii ar clear and healthy train brain with which to master her school studies if she be out late nearly every night I 1 could 0 uld not recommend that you colw follow such a lead torf can certainly ufa life without this an occasional party or social diversion Is in splendid and necessary in a way but avoid an excess exee in any ny one thing always their slurs C cannot annot possibly do you any harm while you are serene and conscious bf b doing your own part well t bliss helen brooksi my sister and I 1 are thinking ng 0 ank ing a trip on tho the train what hind of dress would be suitable to weir wear on tho the train and what for or ft a gown tl Thank lne you in advance and wishing you youlous lots and alta is nf n success we are as veri ever and 1 unless you are planning a long trip and are taking a great deal ot 01 baggage I 1 advise that you get ont on good serviceable dress for traV traveling this with a sport coat will be all that la Is necessary you can don this th Is gown in the morning and feel becomingly and appropriately dressed for the day any of the heavy canton or satin crepes cerepes make an ideal material tora forsa traveling dress dregs and it if it to Is made in a plain tailored one piece style you may rest assured you are dressed in good taste unless one has hag a stateroom and breakfasts alone a negligee Is very much out of af pla ceon the train I 1 regret that hat I 1 have not been permitted to answer a number of letters received recently because of the writers fallu failure roto to enclose name or ad address diess dear madam 1 I have written to you before and leave have received verb very satisfactory a atory answers so BO I 1 arii am here again I 1 will WH iyo you u please give a cause and cure for warts 2 could you toll tell me what grade of music the y V swing wang pieces of music are love lov Jre greeting eting by euard algor op 12 and Dorot dorothy Doi othy by an old english dance dance by seymou smith thanking you in advance and wishing you success I 1 remain nomia preston idaho 1 warts usually occur as the result of some acme form of irritation occasion to ally small blood vessels grow up into a wart but they are us usually vally dry and hard they can be burno burned d oft off with acids but I 1 would not advise this method as the acid must be used very carefully often they disappear ot of their own free will and again bathing with a ablation of borax water in proportion of a teaspoon to one quart of water letting it dry on the warts without wiping the liquid off has been found vet in removing them 2 both these pieces are considered fourth grade music loves greeting can be had in a simplified form for second grade however dear miss hiss brooks this Is IB the second time I 1 have written you but I 1 feel welcome will you please answer two twi questions 1 what would be a good costume to wear at a halloween alloween It dance instead of a ghost a clown or a witch costume 2 what Is my lucky number lucky day and my color I 1 was born march 17 1909 thanking you for your trouble la I 1 am AN UNKNOWN r utah glad you do dear for you certainly are 1 A dress of black cambric dec orated with pumpkin faces cut from orange crepe paper and pasted or sewed over the skirt and w waist alaf would be attractive with a cap decorated in a similar manner or you could use a light material preferably orange and decorate it similarly with black cat heads or the well known Hallow halloween elen ct cat 2 the lucky day for one born in march to Is said said to be wednesday and pink white black and emerald green the colors I 1 do not wish you to feel eel that I 1 am authority on the subject of lucky days months eto etc as I 1 quote quo te these only from books on this subject i I 1 have small falth faith in this kind of luck therefore have naver never attempted to make a study of it I 1 near dear atlas brooks I 1 feel rather bashful but in reading your corner eisaw I 1 saw a song which I 1 knew there are one or two lines I 1 dont know whether I 1 can supply or not I 1 have two questions I 1 would like to ask 1 if three girls were after the same boy and he like any of them what would you advise the girls to do 2 I 1 want to learn to dance and am very bashful what would you advise roe me to do yours tours truly CONSTANT READER utah right night glad I 1 am that you overcame your bashfulness enough to write to me and tend send the song thank you much for copying it three girls after thi the same boyl now garip does this not prave prove the theory that this reversing the natural order of this sort eort of things tends to drive the object of your attentions further from you this young man does not ask what hoi he should do but asks advice tor for the girls all he asks Is to be allowed the right which naturally seems to have boon bolin accorded him im that of making overtures to the girl he ha admires and the more difficult it Is to gain her attention the more he admires and pursues my advice to the girls young man would be to let you be at peace and turn their attention to some boy who la Is a greater admirer of their method of gain gaining inca a boya attention than you are or better still cultivate a disposition deposition to let the boys become interested enough in them to ann nant to be attentive to them 2 As tor for the bashfulness the quickest and surest way to overcome this Is to say may 1 I will it Is 13 a hibit habit which robs you sou of 0 many en enjoyable 1 0 able times unless overcome instead of avoiding ni ties to meet people welcome them and force yourself to tall about something every effort you ou make will make it easte easier r you a i girl or boy friend who would teach boulo you to dance in their home this is perhaps easier and less embarrassing than learning in public then go forth to the dance and choose a sweet pleasant agreeable little girl wh dances well if you do not know her get a friend to introduce you and I 1 am sure adre sho she will be delighted to give you further instruction in the art of dancing and be sure to balic alk to her about the things you are most interested in until you find out what sibe lie Is in must most interested in then hen it will be b easy to encourage tin her to talk this will help you to be ba a which Is also a great accomplishment r P celce along these ans linex to la your only aly wt out to AN LAN lankenner TEnNER NOT new k allt it Is very gratifying to know that you have received helpful suggestions suggestion and information from my corner I 1 find it difficult to express to you as 43 welt as nil all otheto rny my appreciation m of kind nessin ser gerlins the desired gong sonar R I 1 may h evl ilie P pleasure eil 1 ra of ahli in sorna way in the tha near fuere 0 |