Show RED CROSS MET TEST IN JAPAN FUND DRIVE spirit of service demonstrated in readiness for nation 11 1 wide activity when president coolidge by proclamation designated tho the american red crots cross as the medium through which contributions tor for relief relict ot of the japanese earthquake sufferers sufi eren should flow the president deabre came as aa an order to the red nod cross croas immediately the entire machinery of the tha tion was waa put in motion and at hours the fund campaign was moving with tiger rigor la in every part of the country this emergency test demonstrated the peacetime readiness of the red lied cross to cope with stupendous oils tasks la in behalf of humanity within a mouth month it had bad collected upwards ot of in contributions landed ton ten cargoes of supplies at japanese ports and was keeping pica pace with requirements all without a slit single dollar of 0 the f fund and being spent for administration president coolidge la in expressing his thanks to de th s pe people i said whon when the news of the tragedy in japan first arst reached us the american red nod cross pursuant to proclamation asked the country for for to meet tho the great emergency the answer to this appeal was prompt and generous in less thin than two weeks a sum tar far in ox ex coos cess of the original goal wits was stron given the work of the red nod cross for or japan Is expected to influence it a very large enrollment of now new recruits during thenell the roll call which starts armistice day |