Show redcross red cross first aid standards adopted in great industries first aid la in an emergency which assures tho the inbur injured ea competent attention until the doctor arrives Is making marked headway through the work of the chapters of the iner american fean red C croc in n populous centers char chap tei to luct duct first aid classes and last yea warded certificates to students eight big telephone tele companies have enlisted their workers in first aid classes police and fire are departments in largo large cities are making thes the course compulsory in their training schools and through colleges and high schools large groups of 0 students receive instruction st the rod red cross also gives this courso course through boy scouts girl scouts Y M 0 A and similar argail tat rations lous and ltd its standard methods have haro been adopted by railroads electrio electric and gas companies mines and in the metal industries the tha aim of this red cross croaa isto is to out cut down radically tho the average ot of accidental deaths pet per year in the me united states our could secure no higher commendation no BO greater place in his tory lory than to have it correctly said that the red nod cross cron is truly american president cooledge |