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Show Invited to Ducal Wedding. BJ Recently when tho Duko of Norfolk H wns married the ceremony hnd " BJ pleasant commemoration In London. BJ Some tlmo ngo a lady who Is a near HJ kinswoman of tho duko organized two BJ restaurants nt which tho great sur- BJ rcundlng population of shop girls can BJ obtnln n luncheon at cost price nn BJ freo service at tho hands of a bory BJ of ladles. On tho duke's wedding day BJ tho clients of tho restaurant oamo In BJ as usual In their hundreds, but tho BJ accustomed clink of coins the music 51 BJ to which theso maidens march forth BJ refreshed to complete tho day'B bust- Bj jicsswas silenced by the simple nn- Bj nouncement mndo to them: "Tho Bj Duke and Duchoss of Norfolk beg Bj you to bo ot tho number of their wed- Bj ding guests." Bj |