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Show Blouse Eton. Short coats are to bo noted on the greater number of advance modols and are exceedingly chic nnd attractive. attrac-tive. This stylish little Eton Is made In blouso stylo and gw can either ha roll- MPt ed open to form SPB ' revcrs or closed as gtTfif r2fc shown In tho rUA jw nff small skotch. Also Myfetsiffk) It allows a chotco JJv(vBlW 8r betweon tho drop MsfJBnf shoulders and tho flivXfliB regulation arm- iMa jflff holes'. Tho model fiEEjfersBk Is mado ot tan 93h VfiO colored cheviot frRT 'S with rovers of brown and whlto " m Kton' braid In which aro "2 ,0 40 buu threads of gold. At tho waist Is a crushed belt of tho volvet and tho sleeves aro finished with frills of lace. Tho Eton consists of fronts and back, both of which are tucked for their entlro length, Tho ,lower odgo Is slightly full and Is Joined to a narrow nar-row belt over which tho crushed belt is arranged, tho fronts being finished free as far as tho first tucks to form tho pointed rovers. Tho sleeves are cut In ono piece each, are tucked abovo tho elbows, lull below and nre finished with flaro cuffs. Tho quantity of matcrlnl required for medium size Is b yardB 21 Inches wide. 3 yards it Inches wldo or 2 yards It Inches wide, with yards of velvet, 3 yords of braid to trim as Illustrated. Tho pattern 4674 Is cut ln sizes for 32, 31, 3C, 38 and 40 Inch bust measure |