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Show I. i Just a Liitle Paint. Ifat Right now when cierythlng In IJJ0L nut mo is beginning to look bright flp and fiesh, a lit tie paint will go :i HP long way towaid brightening up H the place. mk- Porch, chairs and scats, law 11 H mow cis, any of the farm or gaidon K Implements and do.cn of things HK Inside the house all need a little In t' touching up. K; Ve'e paint all ready to use for V any put pose. lis, Put up In any slc can you may life" wish, any color y ou maj fancy. Ijlp Drop In and get a Color Card and (k-. we'll tell j on moie about It. SHP Of course wc'ic brushes to put Wmk ' the paint ou with, 10u up. 8' RITER BROS,' DRUG GO, Hf' Loo an, Utah, SIS' ' MR, Franklin, Preston and Mont BBp' poller, Idaho. 9k Result of Investigation iMfr' riVi acio farm only two miles fioin Lo Hv gau. Macicsgood beet land. Full rllK' water right. Good hnpioveinents. FlIK A chance of a lifetime. f Hg; 100 aeics good laud 7 miles fiom Lo- I IK gau. Good water light, L'.laeies HL in luceiii. S.ime plowed lead) foi StirEr spring use. Good hay land as well kJBk- '.is farming. House, Con a!, etc. I'4R' A bargain, easy tonus. KME', 1 actes good laud with full water H; right. Good Fiame house. 1) Iul' miles fiom Logan. Good beet laud. fijS"'r' - number of small farms close by Lo- ? gan. Kino Hotel property In Logan KnBL choice location, good paying In- I'S' vestment, will pay ten per cent w. ' from Unit. M. I'lonty of City property at all kinds of fr. Jsr prices and on all kinds of terms. E ttt Ist V0lir property w Ith us if you wish E Hi to dispose of It. Always plenty m W5l of Home Money to loan, IK H. A.Pedersen & Co Kflft Olllce over First National Hank fc - A TINE LINE Of ( Fruit and Shade m Mr C Bfe'" Hedge Plants, Eiergieens, i " h Hfifi. ' ' Shi ubs, r mBSt"-?' BP Hoses, Plants, R Seeds. I Hi IP THE LOGAN NURSERY Rip w& " M The M. & L. 1 1 Goal and Wood co. w V Successor to J. Johnson .t M.MauiIten .I M. Mauritzen, mm James Larsen, : I Proprietors. K' m Dealers In all kinds of Coal and Kin- k K tiling wood. Olllce ten West Center k street ft TELEPHONE WslC. f Prompt delleiy and 11,000 pound-, to KVf' every ton, guaianteed. I Logan Real Estate f and Loan Company has a number of Flist-elass Ihy v K' und Inigated m Farms For sale l ffif ' on lei ins or for Cash. City pioner- g k ty In all parts of town. Longtime L m, . Farm loans a specialty, ,- $' Optional payment. Local money JR& W money placed. A No, 1 Socially ' fe- LOUIS S. CARDQN, Mgr., K, -'-"Mai f 1 1 k,--t-kjj..nwA.. a- - Generalities. Mr Jacob West has gone to his Idaho ranch. Mr. and Mis. Walt Pypcr arc up from Salt Lake on a visit. SHOKS SHINKI) 1-OIt MJ AT "CITVSIIOKSTOItK." tf Mr. Hllcy Pope was over fiom Lew-Islon Lew-Islon on Saturday. For good potatoes call at McNeil & Spencer's, phono 88z. Mis. K. T. Llojd gaie blrtli to a flue baby gill last Friday night. Hoineseckers We will show jou how to get a home, or pay oil loan on jour piopcrtj. II. A. Pkukkik.v & Co. For Itcnt Itooms in the Commci-cl.il Commci-cl.il Mock., Apply at Co-op Grocery &, Drug Co. filter lliothers are having some artistic art-istic painting done on the fiont of their. stoic. If on want a good cup ofcolfcc, .lohnson's Cafe In the Palace building Is the place to get It. tf Ilyrum Iuwilt is again attacked with ihcumatismand hobbling around on clutches. A little gill anlcd at thebomeof Moses Thatcher .lr., last Filday night. All concerned are doing nicely. Fifteen cents per doen for eggs is paid at II. r. Ilaybull's store, "t-.Vi W. Center Stieet. 4iitf Moses Thatcher. I r. Is now III lug In his own piopeity at the coiner of Flist South and Flist West streets. (ii.iut Lewis, .son of Pies. W. 11. LewK, who had his thigh bioken some time ago, Is Improving nipldly. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ilyium Weatherstone, of the second ward, died last Saturday evening after a short Illness. Work preliminary to thelajlngof the cement walk ou tmth sides of West Center fiom Flist West to the O. S. L. station Is now being done. The Athletic club or the New Jei-sey Jei-sey Academy will giie a social Friday ovenlng, April 10, at 7::il), in the Presbyterian Pres-byterian Chinch. Allaie invited. Thu Wellsvllle and Ilyrum Irrigation Irriga-tion companies have made an amicable amic-able settlement of their dispute oicr the water. Thcie will be no suit. Our way of laundering lace curtains Is the latest and best. i"0o per pair. "Willie Suan Laundij". C. A. Cum-mings, Cum-mings, propilctor. Phone No. U).i. If Since the line weather has set In, business in Logan has assumed an air of activity, especially the l.umeis in bujiug their implements for spiing use. Mose-. Thatcher ha-, impioied In health, and expects to stait east in a few das to appeal a-, a witness befoic the Senate Committee In the Smoot case. Miss Doia.laiue, of the Methodist mission work heie, left Satuidav for Salt Lake and will pioceed to Honolulu Hono-lulu In a few dajs. In another week, MKs Kiinon will also leaie. She goes to tier home In Minnesota. William Murray and Hcbcr Paikcr have pnichased a thoroughbicd .lack at a cost of $2,ooo, also two tine Jennets. Jen-nets. Those deshing the sen Ice of tiie animal can communicate with Win. Murray of WelNiille. At tho A. C. of I'. Thursday even-ing, even-ing, the Uth, Mi. O. C. Wright, of Ogden, will dellier a lecture on "The Wondeis of the Yellowstone i'aik," lllustiated by stereoptlcon ileus. This lecture is olfcred in lieu of one of the lyceiun course eients. At Salt Lake conferences In tho past the old theatres have been tilled to oieillowing. At the lecent conference confer-ence the older the.itcis were pooily pationled. Three dime noielty theaties captured the ilsltorsbj the thousands, and iciy few, comimra-tliely, comimra-tliely, ilsited the laiger theaties. The case of K. A. (!arr is. a. K. Ciannei, admiulstiator of the estate of John T. (lair, was decided by Judge LewK nt Salt Lake Saturdaj. Tho decision is in faior of Mr. Cranney. The decision means that "Johnnie" Uarr, tlio half-bieed is not tho Illegitimate Illegit-imate son of John T. (Jarr and that his children aie not hells to John T's estate. Fortune has certainly smiled upon our old townsman, Chsnles W. Nlbley, In the past few yeais.lt Is saidthat he pajs the largest ll thing of any ludliid-tial ludliid-tial in the church excepting otic. Within With-in lecent yea is lie has had foui sons letuined fiom missions and at tho piesent time has three more In the Held. He has a No tilled a mission himself. A farewell paity will be given In the Fouith Waul meeting Iioums Wednesday Wed-nesday eicning, Apill Uth (tonight.) The occasion Is toepiess tho good will of the people to ltro. Lliasou, FJeKtiom and Jensen pi lor to their drpartuie on missions. Lieijbody oi er fourteen inilted. (lood piogram will be reiideied and refreshments served. natMuanr9Mrmi sue- -- . " "'xi Isaac Kllwcll, Jr., Is at the old stand repairing blcylcs. Earl & Ilrock expect to move their laundry to First North street next week. Jacob Larson, the father of our genial comity clerk, was in Logan yesterday. Chas. 0. Wood, Secretary of the West Cache Canal company, was In Logan yesterday. Charles Peace, of Paradise, and Alex II. Maughan were among the town visitors icsterday. Bishop Austin and daughter were In Logan first of the week enroiite home in Hear Lake county. Hlshopll. F. Llljcmiulst of Ilyrum, after a siege of typhoid fever lasting since the holidays, is able to be ou the streets and attend to his meetings. Jay Pltkln.of Mlllvlllo.IIonry Wood, of Smlthticld, William Popplcton, John and William Wyatt and Frank Price, of Wellsvllle, were In Logan yesterday afternoon. I!. W. Sluplc, the stock man of Paiadlse, has been assisting Mr. Widow Wid-ow lleld.of Wyoming, in buying cattle. Mr. Wldowrleld will ship three carloads car-loads today to his lanch. The genial Heniy Paiklnson visited Logan yesterday the first time In six weeks. This Is something unusual for Henry, for ciery Satuiday Is geneially his "market" day In Logan. It seems quite natuial to see the smiling face of Joseph Ncwlwld Jr. He has been on a Kuiopcan mission for two yeais and we hear that he has made a most excellent iccord. The people of Ilyium aie taking advantage of the good weather by-plow by-plow Ing up their lucerne patches preparatory to beet cultuic. Farmers arc preparing their land for crops and activity Is seen all over our southern city. An Implement thin that has hardly done more than a $1,000 business in thu past three weeks, did a M,000 business busi-ness on Saturdays most striking demonstration dem-onstration of the condition of trade heie during the month of Match, all the tcsult of bad loads. Mr. John Bingham was over from Trenton Saturday to meet Mr. J. J. Mcintosh, one of the promoters of oil activity In thlscounty. Mr. llingham has lost none of his enthusiasm and Is still confident of faioiable icsults when boring Is commenced hcte. Last Saturday Mis. I). II. Itcese was cnioute to Logan, when slio dropped a ten dollar piece on the ralhoad plat-foim plat-foim at Cache Junction. The money was found by Conductor Itlggs who sought and found the ownei of it.Thls Is commendable and speaks well for the gentleman. Mis. Slatei, who has lecently gone into tho absliactlng business, has lecently le-cently done some most excellent map woik for the Wells Fargo people of Salt Lake, locating their laiious possessions pos-sessions In thlscounty. The work was indeed iciy excellent and icllects ciediton Mis. Slater. MOVK1) our stock of latest White Sewing machines, Malleable Iron Home Comfoit and Monaich Itauges, the sweetest Farrand organs and pianos and all kinds of musical instruments instru-ments to the Tea House, No. ( Main street. THE WHITE SEWINU MACHINE, MA-CHINE, UANtJEand MUSIC CO. The beet drill on exhibition at Danielson's manufacturing establishment establish-ment is a wonder, yet simple in its consti net Ion, bo much so that It Is strange that a similar one has not been Introduced before. It works as accurately as a clock, dropping the seeds in hills at any deshed distance apait. The saving of seed will be a large consldeiatlon but not so much as the saving of labor in thinning. All beet growcis should examine the dilll. The pianoforte i ecltal which is to be given at the Hrlgham Young Col-lego Col-lego Saturday ovenlng by a number of Miss Lillian Oliver's pupils, promises to lie a very delightful allalr. Those who appear on the piogram are Misses Julia Nlbtey, Luella Neboker, Let tie llusby (iwen Thomas, Myrtle Italian!, 0. N. Cuitls, and It. J. Hammer. Ham-mer. They will bo assisted by Miss Cia Nebeker, violinist, Mr. Luther Huruham, baritone, and a quartette fiom the charming opeietta "Pauline. "Paul-ine. ' Mr. J. J. Mcintosh was In Logan ou Satuiday and In discussing the pios-pectsforoll pios-pectsforoll in this vicinity, he asked us to collect a statement of James Illy the Anderson to the effect that tho tiiilTy-Oaley people am behind any aetlilty here at piesent Mr. Mcln-tosn Mcln-tosn says that he and Mr. Itoland are the people who haio been securing options heie, and that it Is their Intention In-tention to uiicicst tho (lutTy-Oaley people If possible. Is they can get a solid block of laud here (and they have need of but two or three more pieces of ground) they will then talk business to tho people now boring at Faimlugtoii. The (iufty-fialey Co. lias a ton of money, and If interested could and would push matters to an end speedily. n If you want to know what smartly dressed men are wearing this season, ask to sec Steiu-llloch Clothes f ( Thatcher & Hansen -Sate I GUARANTEE To give you as much for your money as any store in town. VWYWYWVxvvyvY . xvxvvwv fl Stein-Bloch Clothing. 27 Main st. Logan, Utah. I The Spring of the year is the most appropriate time tothoioughly cleanse your system. sys-tem. You should partake of easily digested food, such that will aid your stomach to work upon the entire system. sys-tem. Dispense with coffee for awhile and use monooicam Instead. It Is positively the most wholesome and nutritious boveiage en the market, especially for weak stomachs and chlldicii. It has a rich and nutty llavor and will suit your taste. If your giocer does not keep It call at tho Cache Valley Tea Co. 5 packages for $1.00, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS For Family and Medicinal Use. f V CY E. NAPPER ' III MAIN STREET, LOGAN. OLD SQUIRES STAND I South -fllriWc "New Bend WL Casadav" Steel rrLI' (2SBI Famous Plows f Disk and P PIWS When you think PLOWS think Sldney-Steiens Implement Co. Good Plows Is our hobby, and its one that makes friends for us among the farmers for miles around. . Field Ornamental Fencing, Hoosier Drills and Seeders. It's all in the Making Correct pioportlons and quality of material is our motto. As a result no Und the product of our Hue knitting plant veiy popular among all who appreciate that wholesome feeling do-rlied do-rlied from underwear mado for comfort. A few minutes spent In our salesroom will convince you of tho superiority of our large variety of kult goods. j j j jt WE WILL LOOK FOR YOU. Watch this spaco for our "Knitting Knows. " UNION KNITTING MILLS COMPANY 3 West First North St., Logan, Utah. |