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Show Fancy Blouse. Blouses of all sorts are greatly ln vogue and mako an Important feature of the latest styles. This ono Is adapted to a wldo range of materials and to almost num- aBk bcrless comblna- HV tlons, but Is shown f4KBv In checked black JU wkjkr nnd white silk, tKrdmf&to with trimmings of lilSuCJHn black velvet and sWrMB-j whlto cloth hnnds ftfDE$5J that aro stitched fiK8pjjflBRfc. with cortlcelll Bilk, BiRsftfSxESb. and Is combined wirclftlw with a chemisette ArfiMMVJJl and undcr-sleoves A ' 1 1 of cream lace. . , Both fronts and Er back nro tucked, the former nt the extremo outer edge of thf shoulders, so giving tho broad ef and concealing the arms-eye sea.. , tho latter to glvo a box plaited cflect at the center. Tho sleeves are novel and graceful and nro finlshod with narrow bands of black volvot ribbon. Tho blouso Is made over a fitted lining which Is closed at tho center front. On this lining aro arrangod tho chemisette, tho back and the fronts and tho closing Is mado Invisibly Invis-ibly beneath the band. Tho sleeves aro snug above tho elbows with deep box plaited frills below which fall gracefully over the big puffs beneath. Tho quantity of material required for medium size Is 3 yards 21 Inches wldo or 1 yards 44 Inches wldo, with 2V4 yards of all-over lace, yards of bias velvet and yards of cloth for bands. Tho pattern 466 Is cut In sizes for n 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 Inch bust measure. |