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Show "Vf",! COREAN CREPE AND LACE. Of tho many novel inaleilals shown nono Is more attractive than Corenu crepo, which Is soft yet durable, and can be readily cleansed, as Is commonly com-monly thu case with Oriental silks. This pretty waist shows th fabric In whllo with trimming ot heavy cream lt-ce and Is adapted to both the odd waist and tho gown. Thu narrow box plaitfl are eminently fashionable and tho epaulottos, formed by Joining two strips of tho lace, gho thu broad and drooping lino that has b ceo mo general. gen-eral. To mako tho waist for a woman or medium slzo will bo required 3 yards of material 21 or 27 or 2' yards 41 Inches wide, with 3 yards of laco 2 'A Inches wldo, A May .Manton pattern. No. 4662, sizes 32 to 40, will be mailed Wj any address on receipt of ten cents. 'W |