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Show I RICHMOND I FACTORY I On the High Road to I Prosperity. C. Z. Harris talks of its Prospects. Mr. C. Z. Harils, of the Utali Condensed Con-densed Milk Factoiy, of Richmond, j was In Logan Monday, and in talking tof the prospects for the factory was i v cry enthusiastic. Mr. Harris said that the factory now employes twenty-live people but that little or no effort had been made to run the plant at Its full capacity. Tt has been the aim un to this time meiely to get onto the process, and experiment In the matter of securing a ilrst-class production and Mr. Harris Har-ris Is certain now that tho factoiy can and will put out a product that will outrank that of the east and com-paic com-paic favorably with anything on the coast, where the best condensed milk is made. Mr. Harris Is highly enthusiastic over Mr. Gilbert Landcll, the new processor secured from the coast, and gives Mr. Ilackliff the promoter of the factory and one of the chief stockholders, stock-holders, ciedlt forconslderable shrewdness shrewd-ness In this matter. Mr. RacklllThas been in the business long enough to know tint an expert processor is absolutely abso-lutely necessary to the success of a factory, so went to the coast to look for a man. He spent three weeks among dealers In San Francisco and other large western cities and discovered discov-ered that the "Lilly" brand of evaporated evapor-ated cream was the best seller and l most satisfactory. He decided to ijjted tliat"factory,' found his man, "" talked business to him, left him a good sized check and that man, Mr. Gilbcit Landcll, has been In Richmond Rich-mond for some Utile time. Mr. Harris Har-ris s.ijs he Is well pleased and has Re cently brought his family to Richmond. Rich-mond. Mr. Harris and the other people peo-ple Interested are highly pleased with Mr. Landcll and are sine they have the real thing. It is the Intention now to bioadei out as rapidly as possible. They can now make tho quality of cream demanded de-manded and will go after markets for it and these aic not hard to find. Mr. Harris believes that the factory will prove a great Investment for those interested, and thinks this is also a great business for thedalrjmen. At this time ono customer receives $15.00 dally for his milk, another $10, another an-other $7.00 and $8.00 and so on. This Is putting considerable money into circulation and ought to make business busi-ness livelier around Richmond. Mr. Harris is also gratllled at the way the dairymen arc accepting suggestions sug-gestions In regard to their barns, coi-rals coi-rals and cattle. An Inspector visits the premises of the different customers, custom-ers, looks after putting them into a perfect sanitary condition, and there seems no dltllculty in securing the change desired. As a whole everything every-thing Is looking highly satisfactory and all arc jubilant at present. |