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Show A Bankrupt Sale! I $7o,ooo I Bankrupt Stock has been bought from the Trustees of the Rob- I inson Bros, stock, by A. OTTENHEIMER & CO., at I Forty cents on the Dollar I Robinson Bros, have always handled only the best of Clothes, I Shoes, Furnishings and Hats. Stock must be closed out at once. I (t P A H Free choice of any Men's Suits P A J" I Ui J 3 in thehouse at ... . Q.Jj I All other goods in the same proportion. Come in. I Sale starts Thursday at 9:30 A. M. I At 45 Main St., Opposite Tabernacle. Logan, Utah. I Success is Won by those who deserve it. Our success we attribute to the HIGH GRADE SEEDS we carry, to our legitimate methods, and generous treatment. WE CARRY NONE RUT THE REST, and our stocks arc most complete In Northern Utah. JUST RECEIVED a shipment of Plants, and Rulbs, such as Asparagus, Plumosus (Exceeding the Maiden Hair Kern In Delicate Texture) Roston Fern, Mikado Fern Ralls, Flcus Elastica (Rubber Tree) Resurrection Plants, Fuchsias, Pelargoniums, Gladlolas, Tuber Rose and Dahlia Rulbs. If we' haven't what you want we will get It for you. CALL UPON US OR SEND A TRIAL ORDER. SMURTHWAITE Seed and Grain Co., i 5 W. Center. DtN'TFAIL to sec us before selllhg your Wheat, Oats, Rarlcy, Potatoes, Eggs and Chickens. Cardon Jewelry Co., LOGAN, UTAH G R Baker e Practical Shoe Dealer, Has Just received a consignment of FOOT WEAK. They aie positively the best goods ever oiTcied for the money in Logan. Men's Hand Sewed Fine Ron Calf Shoes, 2..".0 per pair, and other shoes In propoition. Logan Shoe Factory 13 W. Center St., Logan, Utah Harry Swinyard is still at the old stand, next dooi South of Logan Nursery. CARRIAGE AND HUGGY REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY. GIvousacall. Satisfaction Guaian-teed. Guaian-teed. Flowers by ExpressI Shipped samo day order is received. FLORAL DESIGNS a specialty. B. C. MORRIS FLORAL COMPANY McCornlck Bldg., Salt Lake City, U. Odell's Studio FOR Photo's Successor to THOMAS & ODELL. Utah Mortgage Loan Corporation. Rhino Office corner, logan, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions chin ged I - WILKINSON & SON To make room In our racks lor the Large Stock of New Wallpaper a now arriving wo must ills- pose o' our remnants as Job lots. Therefore look out for Rargalns from now on. Cost will cut no tiguro with us. Wilkinson & Son |