Show HENRY P. P RICHARDS UNABLE TO RALLY DEATH IS SUDDEN 1 Aged Pioneer Passes Away I After Undergoing Operation fi e r rr r 4 e r HENRY RY 1 P. P RICHARDS A unheralded tho the hand of rf A AL death eath yesterday esterday morning claimed Henry P. P Richards for tor man many years eo high In the councils ot of the Mormon church pioneer of ot Salt Lake valley alley of ot 18 1818 1813 U and of ot Nauvoo 4 of ot 1842 who won prominence nce during hl hI his youth for tor foran foran toran an Important to King King- Gala Gala- kauka kouk In Iii which ho obtained the tho extension extension ex ox- tension of ot privileges to Mormon missionaries missionaries mis mis- In tho tim Hawaiian Islands Several days dars ago Mr h Richards was removed to L L. D. D S. S ho hospital hopital pital for nn em operation deemed necessary to I alleviate attending the tho de development of ot a a. complication of ot dl diseases The op operation operation op- op oration appeared to have hao been successful success success- ful tul but tho the patient failed to rally from Its effects and died 1101 suddenly yesterday yesterday yester yester- day day- morning Mr r. Richards was wa 80 years ears old Until his hi last Illness s he had enjoyed robust health Henr Henry P. P Richards was born in Richmond Richmond Rich Rich- mond Berkshire county countr Massachusetts Massachusetts fassa hu- hu Betts November 20 1831 the tho son Ron of or Phineas and Wealthy eC Dewe Dewey Dewcy Richards 3 Ho ITO was married In Salt Lake December 30 30 to Margaret fars Minerva Empey Empe a t daughter o of William A. A t. t one of or tho thu original pioneers Mr MrS Richards Rich ards died two years ears ago He l tl IB survived survived survived sur sur- b bj- bj two daughters Irs daughters Mrs Annie Annio R. R Young Youn wife of ot Alonzo Young superintendent super super- o of the wholesale wholesale- shoe thoe de department de- de of ot tho the Z C C. M. M I. I and Mrs Minerva R. R Young wife ICe of or Major RIchard Richard Richard Rich RIch- ard W. W Young Youn president o of the Trans Trans- mississippi Irrigation congress Early Of Pioneer Converted to the Mormon formon filth faith In Mr Ir Richards accompanied his fathers father's family to 10 o Nauvoo lu in 1842 1812 When he ho was crag as but seventeen sc years sears old tho exodus commenced for tor Salt Lake valley Ho drove two ox teams of ot the company compan of ot pioneers which t reached the valley October 1 19 19 1848 1818 Mr Richards took interest in social affairs attaIn of 0 the city and played a n part m rn Tho TrIumph Triumph Tri TrI- of or the Innocent the first selection selection elec- elec election tion presented by tho the pioneer dramatic club of or Salt Lake Together with President Joseph F F. Smith Mr l Richards was ivan one of ot a n. delegation dele dole gation atlon of eighteen missionaries se selected se- se e to spread the tho gospel sospel In the tho Hawaiian islands In 1864 Mormon mis mis- s wore persecuted In ti the tle J 1 I Islands a practice which censed attar Mr Richards had called upon ICing 1 nUll anti Queen r his second mission to the Islands Pleased with the address addres s anI and personality person person- person 1 lit o of Mr Richards tho the king and and j ill J queen extended Mormon missionaries the the tho privilege of 0 performing marriages and other rl rights ana nna exempted them from flom taxation Gl Ghen m Office In IlL J. J lou t j. j I Returning to Salt Snit Lako four years earl later Mr Richards was Wl appointed Heu- Heu W tenant colonel of or tho Nauvoo Nauvo J legion glon tho Utah militia h by acting Amos Reed Heed Later ho hI was advanced to colonel of or tho the legion b by Gov GO Charles Charl Durkee Entering into business s pur pursuits Mr r. r 1 Richards was employed cl at Walker rc Brothers' Brothers dry tiry l' l goods toro store and nd later at atthe at Hat Hai the I Z C. C Mi M I. I where ho lie rose lOSO to manager manager man man- n ager er of or the wholesale dry goods department de- de hJ Since t p he had served m 11 1 1 as president of ot the Stock company n a corporation established estah- estah to care fur fr the colony colon of ot Pa Pa- 1 Islanders In Tooele county DurInG During Dur Dun ing log his return from flom the second mission to the Hawaiian islands Mr Richard brought four tour natives to Utah They were instrumental In organizing th the tho Tooele colony w Among Amon tho the gran grandchildren surviving Mr 11 Richards aro are Capt Nelson J B. tar Mar United States State field artillery I Leslie Margetta Margetts superintendent of or n an na anore ore sampling mill at nt Butte Butt Mont ana antl Mrs lrE wife wire of or Harry sU- sU tt of oC tho the J J. J G G. G McDonald candy factory The rue body mn may be viewed at the tho residence residence resi resi- dence of or Mrs Alonzo Young I. I 12 Fourth avenue n from Crom 12 to o'clock Thursday afternoon v |