Show hOCKS bOCKS f JOCKS GO IN FOR SAILING I AND TWO ARE SUSPENDED 4 An ordinary card kept the i. who attended tho the Lagoon track oster day T-day cia day contented while tho the rain fell feU In- In and the track got heavier wIth each Cach race In all ail it was a good ft iday day for the form players player le Lascar Lescar s car who J closed at 6 to 1 I being tho the only hor horse c carrying liberal odds to win re Jockey Cavanaugh carried away the ther r biggest gest share of 01 the riding honors capturIng three firsts and a a. third in six Amounts mounts Miller Rosen and Hill wore were the other winners y Far Cathay Catha who opened as favorites but went to the post as al second choice I Forgo PorSe being backed to 11 to 6 5 romped home in tho the first event over o the five I ong route Cathay Catha took the lead tram from Green Cloth at the head hend of ot the l' l Jf C e C ml nd had little difficulty pulling j away awny from her field Debutante fin fin- fished third Time The second event e the mile and l tty yard ard race had all t the time earmarks of or ofa a yacht acht race The Judges noticed the thes s resemblance an and as a result Jockeys an and arc are suspended in In- In definitely r Judge Jude Walton passed under the wire first with Burnell Burneil a 30 to 1 shot second and Elgin with Sellar up took the mone money Burnell sailing close to the wind made mace tho the windward flag first but she lie shipped hipped a a. s sea a on the roach reach and on the therace trace race home Rosen using his spinnaker breezed by hy and azid Walton had little dif dif dif- In crossing the thc finish line a length to the good Lotta Creed second sec sec- rond ond choice with PIckens up uP Wa was Wa blan- blan I on the off shore an and ana never got In Into to tho race Whidden hidden had his hiE sails 5 furled when the start occurred and rt as was an excellent last ast at every flag Miss Picnic couldn't get her canvas trimmed and faltered all the wa way around Skipper Sella was lucky to get set a call for he handled his Ills charge e Ina in ina ina a manner mariner that would make malic a D. D D. D forget forget for for- get his profession And in concluding t this panning bee bec it might be mentioned that Starter Harr Harry Morrissey had a a. varied record yesterday getting them awn awa away badly i In the boat raco race and anu again agnin in tho the fourth event Charle Charley Brown was the first winner Cavanaugh brought home Dr Neufer looked a n. sure winner a 3 sixteenth away but Cavanaugh put Brown in Sn front on time the last few eto jumps Neufer was second see sec ond and King iCing Lear third Hazel C. C gave l Lear car a n battle for third while Sadie the favorite finished fifth after atter getting a away war badly ran rana a pretty prell race and arid finished first in tho the fourth event Laura Clay who vho had had hud a great gleat advantage in time the geta getaway a was forced into second place while took look third Hadad Hada who at nt atthe atthe the half halt pole was twenty five lengths behind the tIme leaders finished Just outside outside outside out out- side the money after making making- up a a. wonderful wonderful wonderful won won- lot of ot ground lost In a bad start Lc Loscar Lescar car for some unknown reason probably took a notion to run yesterday yes yes- tor ay after having made a miserable showing showIng- the day before and won uon easily from Free second an and Fleeting FashIon Fashion Fashion Fash Fash- ion third Lescar opened at 5 fj to 1 and closed a point higher Miami galloped home In the final event o beating Rosevale the favorite six lengths at the tho wire Rosevale Rosc was wan second and Lambertha third Walter Heath bl bid Miami up to 60 but ut H. H I. I retained him |