Show 1 i l THE STATE S1 A TE FUNDS 11 I r URI URL 1 TG G the pas past t four years David Mattson 1 has lias been D treasurer treasure of the state of Utah The funds funds of this great commonwealth have been entrusted to his care EXAMINATION EX EX- T SHOWS AND WOULD HAVE E SHOWN AT ATry NY ry TIME DURING DURIN T G III IDS HIS S ST INCUMBENCY t TN THAT THE THEONEY HE oN ONEY T E OF or T TillS THIS STATE IS INTACT SAFE SECURE I t AND READY FOR FOB EXPENDITURE fOR OR WHATEVER f PURPOSES P ARE ABE AUTHORIZED For For this fact it may r be Phat hat the state tr treasurer deserves no praise since it was as his his worn oln ern duty Y yet if there be any credit due any individual in ill in Ufah it t is Treasurer Mattson son not the Governor or any 01 other tate a tate official Conversely if the sl state treasurer has I If profited through li the use use o of f the state funds then he lie and he alone is guily of a le felony lone r and should should be e promptly consigned to that N an and d commodious us building which the state so generously gen gen- 3 maintains and Warden ardon Pratt so capably manages at Sugar Houser House r The treasurer of this commonwealth is elected by the peole people peo- peo le HE BE IS R RESPONSIBLE 1 r TO ro NONE BUT T THE HE I PEOPLE t NO OTHER STATE OFFICIAL CAT CAN ADVISE OR IN- IN t SL T r THE TEE TREASURER AS TO IDS HIS POLICIES and he is is not ot under statutory obligation to consult any of them If the Governor of Utah had irrefutable evidence evidence- that the custodian of the state funds was using the money f for r his own owls purposes ithe ithe r the only course of procedure he lie could adopt to prevent it r would be that open to every other citizen the filing of the ordinary ordinary or- or information charging him with a o felony THE t FACT THAT HE RE IS S GOVERNOR GIVES HIM f NO SPECIAL AUTHORITY AUT AU H HORITY 0 r OVER TER THE TREASURER THE PHE i LATTER f t COULD A AS S EASILY ASSUME THE rIlE CONTROL l OVER TER LEGS LEGISLATION LEG LEG- J r i THAT r TilE THE CONSTITUTION LODGES IN THE TilE EXECUTIVE AS COULD TIlE THE GOVERNOR GO OVER TER THE SPECIAL DUTIES THAT A ARE HE ASSIGNED TO ro THE rIlE STATE TE i i i TREASURER The The- treasurer of Utah is heavily bonded It has been the tle custom of f the banks to furnish this bond in jn consideration that the tle fluids fluids- funds funds-be be bede deposited with wit them I tl Ul e 1 la u P ur U lb o of i f s getting g sonic some r revenue for the state staler but bit u rit lr si small i aj ope of I Securing it since there is no statute that authorizes it Treasurer Treas- Treas Mattson 1 at the Ule outset of his term applied to the American Surety company for a bond After full consideration the Ithe local lo- lo lo cal agent of that concern replied declined to furnish the bond and remarked that under the statutes of the state THE PE TREASURER AND TD HIS IUS BONDSMEN BONDSMAN ARE ABSOLUTE INSURERS IN- IN INSURERS OF T THE HE PUBLIC 1 UNTO FUND BELONGING TO THE STATE and that I A AM OF THE TIDD OPINION ION THAT T THE t tI I I 1 1 AWS VS HOLD YOU TO TOO STRICT A 1 LIABILITY ITY and for f these reasons alone I believe our company would not care to toI tot I consider bond t you your 1 If II r the voters of U Utah tah approve a constitutional amendment I 1 pending ing for decision on next Tuesday the state funds in the fut UlC will Ivill be 1 placed III in the depositories selected by the state slate l board oard of examiners an and will draw interest UNDER PRESENT PRESENTA f 1 1 A T U r rl a i T rr r T r T- T Tin in fAT T T Tn mn rm 1 L ii L 1111 H S lJ Iii I 1 I G 11 N l OL UT lJ BL COLLn D. D THC lire state f R l can Cali only r place the money where here it will viIi be safe exacting a sufficient suf suf- and bond hond and arrange privately that there shall be no interest charge against overdrafts rj This has lIfts already already al- al Aready ready been done lone and is as far fat as the state can go until the constitutional con con- amendments to which reference has been madet ma made e t shall be adopted The Republican party has no apologies to offer for the manner in which its state treasurer has has' discharged the duties l I i Hof of f his office David Mattson J has been an excellent official because because heI be- be I cause he liar lias h 5 not seen fit heretofore to parade before the public such efficient nt service as he has been able to render certain of those who rho regard noise alone as virtue have chosen to believe I i JI that all is not Dot as it should be THERE IS A 1 CI CERTAIN TYPE I DF J pF OF MIND MD THAT ALWAYS S IN INCLINES C T T I LS TO 0 SUSPICION IF IT J f A. A NEIGHBOR HAS TAS HIS nIS HOME IE PAINTED 1 ED THIS TYPE OF OFt t r MIND D WONDERS WHERE VI HE a STOLE TIlE THE MONEY IONEY AND l ANDA T lF A A. lE FRIEND r TAKES rAI S A A. VACATION 1 TAG T TRIP IT 11 rt WATCHES V I HE BE NEWSPAPERS CAREFULLY r FOR NEWS OF THE t FRIENDS FRIEND'S EMBEZZLEMENT TN T OJ OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 ION OF WHICH I HE FIE IS CUSTODIAN l State Treasurer Mattson l has made such an excellent officer of of- fiver that he will ill be elected secretary of state slate an office ice which II t he Jie is abundantly a able le to fill and the duties of which he will 1 discharge dis- dis i s treas- treas treasurer charge with the e same share fidelity J that he be has hns those of state slate treas- treas m er He c need ask the Governor to share neither the lauda laudations j i of f his friends nor the criticism of his enemies es These two state officials haven have no o duties in ill common except as asto lo to nH membership to- to oto o- o gether ge ether th er upon certain certai state stale boas boards hoards The rhe only common ll basis upon fr which one ono Inamay may discuss them is IS that both will be he elected beI because be- be cause cause the people of Utah always reward efficient and faithful I r Service |