Show WHAT TAfT TUFF I 1 WILL DO 00 IF RE ELECTo Another nother Term Would Enable President to Complete Re Re- Re-j Re i I i construction Program on ow Which He Has Entered W WAVE AVE 0 OF F PROSPERITY IS J SWEEPING OVER VER COUNTRY COUNTRY- Boom Times Assured sure for or Fours Four More Years if ft the to Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- oats Do o Not of Get et a Chance Dance to Ti Tinker n ker With the e T Tariff ail arff j By Press W WASHINGTON AS Oct Oot 29 29 P i U 1 yv dent Taft in an exclusive interview interview interview inter- inter view today described what he hopes to achieve if elected to serve sen-e another t torn torm of four years fI f I HI I have ha always maintained he hei hei said that that the high cost of living It is due t to ce certain fundamental conditions th that have no DO re relation tion f to i the t tariff 1 e ehigh 1 high cost oost of living is not local loc to the s p prevalent hout h- h out the world 1 The difference in f rl tUB United States is that we ire have a higher standard of wages than elsewhere thus alums making high prices s less of a hardship hardship hardship hard hard- ship here than in any other country in the world Tho office of public roads road h has lias beet beel j encouraging tho the building of or better bettel 1 highways hl as a a. means ot of curing curing- the I high lilETh cost o of living Better Botter roads will permit the farmers to got grot to the shipping shipping ship ship- J ping ping- points at all aU seasons seasons' of or tho the year rear doing away with tho waste of ot foodstuffs foodstuffs food food- stuffs and reducing tho the cost of ot haulms hauling haul haul- I ing ms especially with reference to the wear and nd tear tORr on horses and vehicles The present administration has hM been t working to e educate the people to the tha benefit of at better roads To the same samo ond end we have brought i about about the establishment of ot the time parcels parcell post which t will enable tho the farmer anal ami Ull j i consumer to como coma into close con contact ct jand j 1 and thus RI aid still further In Jn the j f Continued on Page 0 9 Column 1 It AT TAFT Will 1 i f DO IF ELECTED ther Term Would Enable Resident to Complete R Re Reconstruction Re- Re construction Program 1 Pt Continued from Page 1 of 0 the high cost of ot living Wo Woe e C also established the postal BayS Bay eav- avi S i tank bank which have havo had the tho effect keeping of ot millions of ot dollars In InV V which otherwise would have eh hoarded or sent out of or the United tea teis r 1 Reconstruction All KAH these matters have havo been part parl the reconstruction program or of thC ont ont administration and have nave have badIr had bad ir lr effect on the present wave oft of ol t which Is sweeping over o the J ted tod States and which If It left lert un- un b by a change of ot n ft will give Sivo us boom times for tor four 4 ro o 0 years other nother thins thing that I am most Is S IS to achieve Is the tho placing of ol all aU alli i Hectors lectora of ot Internal revenue and post post- In the tho classified civil service ant irant to have thorn them all taken out of or HUes It Is the tho only way In which p public service can bo ho systematized efficiency raised to the maximum I Another term torm would enable me to toIsh toI toish I ish the work that I 1 have begun It uld give mo me an opportunity to ro roe ro- ro 0 e the work worle that will eventually d cI to the tho establishment of ot an In- In court of or arbitration Once I ch cha Ii 11 a. a a ourt court were established a heavy would be lifted from tho the backs all ill the people The have hEne to toy y V for the heavy armament and If it K nations e could settle their disputes t ourt Just as disputes between mand man In manid id d man arc settled In every even civilized e ViAn i bO be shut L u HIn H 4 In every nation Isn't It a n. fact the President was important plank ked iced that e every Wag lUng for tor what IB Is described S as In ln atrial justice and embodied in the me 11 Moose 1 platform actually has been ady ad achieved under our adminis- adminis tion he be President smiled r To Benefit Working People Thoughtful people he said sald need rt t be reminded of ot the fact tact that the went ent administration has hns re really n had heart the welfare of all working men women The industrial commission l designed to benefit the condition the working people Just as the rulers credit system was nod designed to the farmer It was under my ministration that the bureau of or ormes hiss mes designed d for tor the greater pro- pro cUon of or the miner was created This was desired by the miners the tho nation and I worked I have it established and signed the 1 11 II that brought it Into being I 1 nt- nt ded the first tests that were mado made ear Pittsburgh The bureau has boon boen to tomako mako mining safer for tor tho thoen thoen en en carefully studying the explores res es es the conditions under which 1 the tho thoen en work and the precautions for their fety and their rescue in case of or ac- ac dents It was for tor the welfare of or the chil- chil en n likewise that the childrens children's bu- bu au ati was wae created as ae a part of the tho govI gov- gov I ment service Miss Julia Lathrop I aa n as' as appointed b by me to be the head f. f fttie the bureau and her force torce is already alread t work to safeguard the tho health and nol I of ot the growing generation aITho The pres present nt prosperity It Ie left un- un will continuo continue throughout 13 and will soon thereafter get anther an- an i her ther Impetus from the tho activity r that III ill be created b by the opening opening- of or tho the I mama ama canal But I if there th should be disturbance of ot the tarl tariff now the now the g up that anI only the Democrats I Km n give it there It-there there will 1 be he another rophy trophy of business effort that will feet the whole country countr closing down clown any mills glutting the market with bor bore reducing wa wages es and bringing out bout a hesitation that will prevent us om rom taking full fun anta ad advantage c of ot the com com- opportunities that will b be of- of ered by the opening of the tho Panama na |