Show 1 I POLITICAL GOSSIP I It t IREE Bull Con rallies wore held heldI T THREE I hore here last night Joseph J. J Brigham Clegg and George W. W cr Moyer tro er spoke at the home of ot Lewis Let S. S Wells At E. E Eleventh South Frank Evans was tho the orator 1 W. W D. D Livingston Liv Liv- ingston ng and amid IT ll F. F addressed tho the Moosers in tho the Burton school where the tho Robinson trio added a musical musical mu mu- touch The rho Roosevelt elt club will hold another smoker Friday night In Judge Judg-c J. J M. M Bo courtroom at police head head- quarters The Bull Conners aro are going to ignite campaign cigars ars make malte speeches sing slug songs and drink elder cider Tile Tho Bull Conners Canners will wUl hold a rally tonight In East Mill 1111 Creek George 1 F. F Goodwin and Frank ranle Evans Eans will speak |