Show RED AND BLACK SQUAD HOLDS SECRET PRACTICE Whore is the thic team Tills This wa was the tho question queston that was asked aske P by Jy pome om of ot the time Salt Lake Lako high school students yesterday afternoon But Hut they they did ld not find their tenet team until aut I quitting quitting- time Coaches Richardson and ad Calla hort unknown sp spot took tho boys bos to seIne near flour Warm ann Springs yesterday after afternoon aft at X noon and held a fast signal practice and some Bomo new formations were wern given ad out to the boys bOj Callahan and Richardson Richard Richard- son soil On expect tile the bo boys s 's to win from tho the Idaho team and the Red Rod and BlacIc should conic come out in the thc Iea lead if it they pla play in the tho same samo way 1 the they have for foi two t ain thu tho last five ht weeks The will line up in a fast scrimmage r m pr i c-i ni night lit and the lh tics tomorrow days daya practice will WiTt be light as thi th tarn am leaves I maccOn tor or BoS Biu l- l L. L c. c |