Show TEMPORARY BLOOD substitute why saline solution Is rejected into tho the volna of wounded Wound etl persons occasionally iu in cases of serious Be where there has bag been great losa lofs of blood chr published reports state that saline solution was injected into the file veins to supply sappy the deficiency the average reader however has baa a very vague if auy any idea bow a solution I 1 of salt takes the place of blood not to go into it a complete analysis ot of the blood it is sufficient to note that of 1000 parts is composed of water albumen 65 parts sodium and potassium coloring matter supplied by the red blood corpuscle Fl leaving only some 12 parts to bo be composed of fibrin tat fat calcium and magnesium iio etc where there is in serious loss of if blood a state of collapse sets in because the normal weight of blood being reduced the lie hearts action is diminished there being less resistance for that organ to overcome to counteract the result of shock and collapse col lapso it is necessary to stimulate the heart by reL restoring the dezmal weight iu in other words to got get it to work by bygie giving it boinet bing to work on oil As the analysis shows of 1000 parts of ef blood nearly dearly are composed of water and sodium and therefore a plan saline solution makes a good substitute tb the 0 heart does docs not know the difference and it goes to pumping away as usual as soon as a this imitation blood gets in tho the veins the saline solution serves to tide tho the patient over the danger point As tho food is converted into chyle new blood is as formed the red corpuscles corpus cles a are r a supplied rapidly from the normal tissues and the saline solution is thrown off through the secretions in the usual way formerly transfusion of blood was the means employed but this always objectionable method has been on supplanted p plant the greatest objection to the transfusion of blood aiom one berbon to another was that to supply the necessary amount to restore the wounded p patient it was inevitable that the vol volunteer gunteer should bo be almost as badly drained so that the physician would have two patients on oil his hands where he be hid had besides there was always the risk of transfusing disease botho to the patient with the others blood dogs and abee sheep p have been sacrificed to surgery for aliis purpose but most people prefer to use blood of their oiin manufacture to any imported from beasts or their follow fellow creatures st louis post dispatch |