Show THAT COAL COMBINE MAGNATES WILL REMAIN INACTIVE TILL THE STORM IS OVER directors hope the dear car public will nt laa bacomo ere 0 t to their rian plan lif organs 8 sell cole t to C consolidate inter esto for the agreement that the big anthracite coal men ly I 1 is becoming betor uius is ia evident front froni the fact that the organization iza tion which wits was agreed upon at tho the meeting of railroad presidents bas II 11 IK been fiscu up for the timo time it may bo be fo formed rm if tho the public becomes inactive but if tho the fight is cou coil tinned vigorously tho the railroads sill ill discreetly heep their heir per association in the background to toina inn up the whito flag has been a hard blow to the plans of the railroads rail ronda for the organization was a pet scheme and had godo goco so far that tho the name anthracite coal association had bad boon been decided on oil and steps have been talen taken to fo make it ou on the same lines ns as the joint trunk association formed by the t dunk I 1 ellk lines a and ild their western connections it is now understood that the tha anthracite coal association will remain under cover until as tho the railroads hope ho pethe the people got used to the present atran arrangement gement if this can caubo be continued tho the coal men believe they can eventually get together on oil a permanent basis thus forming a trust in tact fact the ilia fane farrea aching ebing effect of the gent lemans agreement under which prices are now dow being raised is shown by tho the statement of robert goodbody broker at 89 39 broad street new york who said with reference to tho the combine it would toem as if the anthracite coal agreement was very likly to be stable it is based largely on ownership of stocks by a few big men and therefore does not depend on any official for if these gentlemen feel it to be to their interest they can call dismiss the offender and probably will because they want a fair return for their money they cannot however exact high prices on account of the competition of bituminous coal this anthracite combination teems beems certain to help our market to higher prices in the long run by this and other expressions of wall street men it is made apparent that J pierpont pont morgan is counting on giving strength to the combine which his financial skill created by joining the interests of the various lines the way i in n which the roads in he file combine are allied is shown by the duplications in the boards of directors A study of the personnel of the directories rec tories of the various roads will show how closely the interests are allied and therefore that a gent lemans agreement is as binding as if a bond to keep the a agreement re ement were signed by each railroad president pies ident J pierpont INI morgan organ is the moving spirit and with the reading under his bis control lie he is in a position to give advice that carries weight he and the Vauder bilts and the first rational national bank party always work hand band in band the V Vandor andor bilts control the lackawanna the new york aud and susquehanna and the delaware vare andRud and hudson sou while the erie eric is under their influence the new jersey central is controlled by the first national bank party A large part of the stock of the pennsylvania and the new york ontario and western is held by the english and the impression prevails on the other side of the atlantic that J pierpont morgan is is about the only thorough financier in this country this gives him influence iun nence that was made apparent on the day the combination was made when president roberts opposed the he terms until ho he got the tip tid from some one during the lunch hour that he be ought to bo be satisfied although the lehigh valley is independent mr morgan cau can got get his opinions into the directory through thomas thoma s Mc mckean KOZI a 17 reading man mail mr lur 21 morgans organs influence is made apparent by the presence in the jersey central directory of edward D adams who represented the deutsche Dout scho bank in the morgan bond syndicate other directors are george F dalor baker president of the F first arst national bank james A garland vice president of ilie hie national bank and samuel sloan president of the lackawanna with Cli chauncey nunce y 31 depew and cornelius cordelius vanderbilt in the file delaware and hudson the vanderbilt and Tl florgan organ iu ill will bo be looked after and alexander K E orr a of this thia road and the erie eric will to see that the interests of both lines cro looked after the president ot of ho be new york sus que hauna and lid vi A L hopkins is known as a morgan representative in the erie eric one of the be directors is C H coster a baitner of mr morgan in J P morgan co and others in the borad are aaram y S hewitt Hev ritt owner of the new yolk and Gi penwood lake road udd anil francis L the ho personal of sir nr moriju who gained fanto fan to by dialing 0 the contract il I 1 he adorgan beh non t bond syndicate and the it is ie ported that oue cue cf mr mor gans plans is to get lie interests of the various coal roads baill further intertwined and to keep on at the i lan ian until tho the system is so complete comple e that the coal carrying roads will lo le I 1 ria icalla one corporation with wit h power to io 1 lie iho price of coal to tho the limit rf cf ie deop j coplai I 1 ell endurance new york jounas Jo unal |