Show THE OPIUM SMOKER tam I 1 am engulfed and drown deliciously soft music munio lilio like a per perfume fame and sweet light golden with audible odors exquisite swathe ma with core corem ments cuts for eternity timo time ia i no more I 1 pause and yet I 1 lice A Dill million lion ulca wrap mo me round with night I 1 drain a million illion ni ages of 0 delight I 1 hold the future in my memory also I 1 bavo this garret which I 1 rent this bed of straw and this that was a chair this workout body liko like a tattered tent this cruet of 0 which the rats have eaten part thi of opium roko rage rem remorse orse despair this soul boul at pawn and delirious heart arthur sl mons mom |