Show sho ho was vaa too sharp for them one day last winter Vinter a n stylishly dressed borri ui stepped from a conch coach iu in front of a big dry roods goods torr in now kow york and p proceeding roce e d i aig to tl tho i 0 f fur u r 1 department l c p a ram en t belech b e le c tt L ed d a p seal e i 1 wr wrap ip i woith v ol 01 t 1 I 1 3 0 0 ln iu p payment a y m e li she eho tendered a check for 1000 which the Miles woman took to tho the office A messenger was dispatched to tho the hank bank and lie was told that the check was good meantime tho woman pretended to bo be indignant demanded a return of tho the check would accept no do apologies and drove away presently she returned and said sho she had allowed her temper to overcome her and ordered the cloak wrapped up she was given in change and disappeared A second visit to tho the bank disclosed the fact that the he woman hid bad withdrawn the 1000 she had bad on deposit del posit thoro there and that tho the check was worthless worth loss |