Show 3 san francisco manufactures each your year I 1 about worth of goods BETTER THAN REFINED GOLD 0 Js Is bodily comfort wm oft tills this unspeakable boon to la denied to many lauy unfortunates lor for whoso ailments aile e stomach 18 a promptly y helpful remedy hie db peptic the rheumatic the ibo nervous persons troubled with bill 8 ness or chills and lever fever should lose no time in avail luf themselves of this and genial genta medicine it promotes appetite and nightly slumber olilee ilfe mr fr banner when lei la a ii woman oman la in the prime 1 ol oll llo well mrs badger bad r when ashes 95 11 t and andaman it man I 1 oh anywhere from 21 to HO 80 11 6 AGENTS WANTED B st cement on 6 earth new discovery everybody wants it mends AI end china elaisa e of mucilage income in home and office cample address interstate co dalle or from 0 prof pro W 11 feeke who makes a spec laic of D epilepsy has without t fit doubt treated and cured more cases than ay fany living physician his success Is astonishing wo we have heard of cases ca es of 0 20 20 yeats years standing landing fi cured by him ile iia publishes a v valuable i a ble work on n burc this dig case ease which ho he sends bends with 71 t h a large bottle of his bli absolute cure tree free to t 0 any a sufferer 0 ano may send their P 0 0 and express E cpr 11 C ll dd 3 we addiso nav adv one wishing a cure cur 0 to address a WEES PEEM F D 4 cedar st ifer corll FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or just don dont t feel well 01 OR DR GUNS GUNN s aira mi 10 LIVER ED PILLS aro tho the ono only ono lor for a dose gold bold by a box hampler hamples F froe roe tho Dr Bosanko amedco phila pa in is MARL ALL IL ate ELSE dap LSE f fl ILS best belt CAul ligh barup tidies a bowl TJ ti I 1 I 1 in time sold bold by C lo N FROM GOAT TO BOAT E even ven the festive goat in his bis vernal seabon has his field sport on the common with a t tin i u c can a n or t the h e b butt ut t 0 of f a log F from r the h e oe bog overta s sport p 0 r t 0 ot t th the g goat 0 a t in t the he s spring p ran t to 0 t the h e varied d 8 sports or s of the early and late summer what t a i world or of amusement and what a scene ol of muscular activity in all thew ever so bo helpful help lul ironi from the bat at in the ball field to the oar of the boat and the clutter clatter ot of the turl turf there comes in a large amount of penalty in the shape of serious sprains aus aud troublesome bruises but no man is it a good athlete nor does he be develop well vell such exercises without his hii lull full share of both it is a rood good thing therefore that there Is provided something which if always in eye kept neaily is alvi always ays ready to cure promptly promptly these sudden and painful mishaps aps st jacobs oil without question passes among all sportsmen as the thing to have pa excellence in all kinds of sports it has gained its best reputation front from its best beat buies of this nature and the man who aou would id enjoy enio y freely the summer bummer sports would A be almost all lost foolish not to keep a bottle about him phil A del an aal ning v nii your Ir rouda death un ull expected arlenn pete fete no indeed lie he bad been ft a joe tors 3 enra ears A Z N of ill health despondency and despair gives way to the sunshine ot of hope happiness and health upon taking 0 hoods sarsaparilla Sarga parilla because it give gives s renewed life and vitality to the blood anil and through 11 that imparts nerve st astren r en n ath firor vigor and e energy kya SF to the whole body read td pei ia this letter Ho odeSar valno sa parina llla helped me ine wonderfully changed sickness to health gloom to sun shino no pen can describe what I 1 suffered I 1 was deathly sick had sick head relies every few ew days and those terrible tired despondent feelings with heart troubles so that I 1 could not go up and n S I 1 ra I 1 I 1 0 down stairs without clasping my hand over my heart and resting irk in fact act it would almost take my breath away I 1 out su cred so I 1 did not care to li live yet I 1 had bad to live for or there is no pleasure in life if deprived ot of health tor for lio life becomes a burden hoods sarsaparilla S does far more than advertised after taking one bottle it is sufficient to recommend itself MRS J E beloit iowa u 0 00 d Sarsa paril a Is the one ti ue blood ruri purifier fier all druggists el 1 biond A co low ell mass 13 ti iti r cure its nil 11 liver dyer ills hillous billous nooel S pill alx lx SURE CURE FOR PILES isn 1 h 1 I g 1 I 1 na clodt w dr arbo BO GAN SAN KOS PILE REMEDY b hin iw h A free palco aw ajo Drug rII t ar albil lilt DR 10 IAK atilla ap BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY As mercury will surely destroy the sense ol of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces such articles should never be usei used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians hyal ciaria as the damage they will do is ten fo old d to the good you can Dos possibly sibly derive from them halls catarrh cure manufactured by F J cheney co toledo 0 contains mercury and la is taken internally ter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot ol the bybel m in buying halls balls catarrh cure be sure bure you get gee the genuine it Is 18 taken internally and ani made in toledo ohio by F J cheney A co testimonials free sold by arul druggists ests price per bottle halit fam family ifyu pills lire are the best ra fits ta all fits stopped slopped free by dr klines areat norve restorer Kee no alta after the birst lays jays use marvelous corca cares and na 1200 rial bottle free to fit cases bead to dr kune kline bl arch st philadelphia pa P pious piaba cure for consumption is the only cough medicine medi ine used in my house D G T albright Mill linburg pa dec 11 aj 19 TRY tor for breakfast WHO V H 0 CARRIES THE LARGEST lineol cutlery sporting barber supplies and bazaar why dont YOU yon THE WILL FINCK COMPANY The yuill lyou eulth want MI lowest market prices bund lor cal ogue logu or catalogue vf nf Sport lne iniz goods gooda or barber lits sin tal MAKES PEOPLE WELL NELL most remarkable remedy in the world far superior to ordinary Sar sapi rillas Nery hemnes ines or bitters the true medicine for lost nervous strength without in equal in purifying and enriching the blood great cures effected by paines celery compound what scientific research has accomplished proved by success where all else has failed there is one true specific for diseases arising from a debilitated nervous avs system and that is the paines celery corn cam round pound so ea generally prescribed by physicians clans it is the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research of this country has produced professor edward E phelps al D LL D of dartmouth college le e first prescribed what is now known the world over as aa paines celery compound lound a positive cure for for dyspepsia biliousness liver complaint neuralgia rheumatism r h e u m a and kidney troubles for the latter paines celery compound has succeeded a again ain and again where everything else g baa as failed sufferers from neuralgia neuralgic headaches and rheumatism should stop short their morphine quinine and such ouch pain killing drugs no 10 cure can be gain hoped ope for from these temporizers there is one way of getting rid forever of the causes uses of all this suffering buffering that is by taking paines celery compound in this great modern remedy the real means meana to health is attended to sleep is made sound and refreshing the appetite improves mp roves and the nerves stop complaining because they get the nutriment that nature nat ure requires this is the fundamental rational way that paines celery compound takes to bea be able bleto to cope anc cess cees tully fully with diseases of the liver kidneys and stomach and to guarantees guarantee a complete return of sound sleep good digestion and a quiet well regulated nera ous system 00 01 01 Is V NO rca cocoa the test of years ars proves droves tiie the purity of walter baker cos coo s cocoa and aid choc chocolate okko WALTER BAKER CO limited dorchester mass if T M TV W W TV T the very remarkable and certain C J 11 awba arx I 1 relief given woman by 1100 MOORES REIS REVEALED BE REMEDY lae hag given it the name of womans comans friend it is ia uniformly successful in relieving the i 1 J 1 and weak weakness neBB which burden and shorten a comans womans life thousands of women testify for it it will give health and strength y y i and make life a pleasure for sale by all druggists T C v dm 3 U lj BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO PORTLAND agents SAW FLOUR MACHINERY MACHIN ERYC OST BY corresponding WITH MINIM AN p a MARINE ARIE THE IRON WORKS WAREHOUSE WARE HOUSE PORTLAND OREGON ra S second eco nd and stark abts AMERICAN TYPE ate FOUNDERS CO lv I 1 PORTLAND OR 0 everything for the printer 0 0 save child I 1 6 6 11 i 6 s i 0 i my OFFICE OF is the cry of blackwells DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY many an A dear sir agonized to ALL you are entitled to receive mother moth er FREE from your wholesale esafe dealer whose WHITE STAR SOAP with all little one the writhes in croup or whooping blackwells genuine cough in such cases or chants durham smoking dr ackers english remedy tobacco a blessing and JL V you buy one bar proves 1 of so soap a p free with each pound a godsend mrs M A whether cheth er 16 oz 8 oz 4 oz or who I a 2 oz packages burke of E aoth st we have notified every wholesale new york writes D dr dealer in the united states ackers en english lish remedy that we will supply sappey them with soap n cured d of bronchitis cure baby bof to give order my you FR FREE E a good supply of GENUINE J NE DURHAM at and also gave ansta instant nt relief TOBACCO once and insist on getting your in of 13 soap one bar of soap FREE pr E E with a severe case croup each pound you buy soap is I 1 gratefully recommend it 1 offered for a limited time so order three sizes soc 1 AU ALI admi clata today to day yours very truly achza co 19 chambers st NY I 1 blackwells BLACK M MRS HS WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP fal IL I 1 I 1 TOBACCO company FOR R CHILDREN TEETHING fort olp it by t 25 vests a i it if you have any difficulty in procuring your 0 r soap op cut out this notice and acl and d it t w with th your order to your d dealer nr N P a U ho ws MS S F rn N U Us ko 10 75 |