Show ROUND VALLEY our esteemed citizen george G borno earle earley and family have yone gone to bountiful on a visit to see liia his eifes mother urs mrs busby who has recently rec enily returned iruin arizona where a she abe has lived more than thirteen years she be with witla her husband of the earliest settlers 0 of laketown LaKe Lase town the weather is very warm and pleasant at present aud everyone feels to rejoice to see ice how it is increasing the growth of vegetation tation miss sane earley fetui nod come home sunday from preston Pr eaton idaho where site she lias has been been I 1 attending schoot school during the past winter mrs uary mary hyden and son oon thomas have been very BICK sicE with lap Ij crippa but are both recovering and will soon be out again our roads are lined with fishermen hermen fiB from the lower valley esho bo are seeking tile contents constenla cont enla of our beautiful lare lake mr ati and durs mrs J B barlev were recently visited by the batters sister bister and hubband irom from evanston wyoming amusement for the fourth of july is the topic of conversation lon lore here squirrels Squirrel sl 1 squirrels I 1 squirrels squirrel sill more squirrels than anything else news newa at t present la is very scarce ISAAC PRICE |