Show in santiago santiago is ia tho the ancient capital of cuba it stands on sloping ground at the head of a magnificent land locked harbor and all around in an amphitheater are mountains and forests a lovely place but a fatal one for the spanish 1301 soldiers diers the town itself is a whited sepulcher the streets rare aro narrow and the place filthy beyond all words the lent heat is only varied by tropical showers which fall every afternoon through the summer and autumn months rain ain so BO heavy that in a very few minutes the streets sloping down to the bay are like muddy mountain streams carrying with them all kinds of refuse and rubbish everywhere the yellow fever is abroad but it is particularly deadly among the spanish troops how bow many die is never made known the dead are carried away and buried by night und and in one lie hospital g pital a hole was cut in ill the wall baci facing the burial ground that tile the soldiers outside might not fee the nightly processions professions process ions the spanish soldiers stalk about tho the streets in their dirty white linen uniforms and big straw hats looking pale and thin they are badly fed and suffer every kind of priva privation tio 13 boys for the most part under 20 they are unaccustomed to the climate and by exposure ore are made unfit to battle with it contemporary review |