Show WILDEST WILDEST TRIBE OF INDIANS the th Papago vs of arizona are great wanderers not bloodthirsty the chief of the bureau of ethnology in washington has bent two scouts artto arizona to look 1001 over the homes of tho the papago indians and to invests investigate ate their race characteristics says th tho oi new rew york world they are the most vagrant of american indians with many tribal peculiarities they live in southern arizona often they make foraging expeditions into mexico and in the sense of settled habitation they cannot be said to live anywhere they are the most nomadic of all tho the indian tribes at present the Pap agoes were once a tribe of from four to seven thousand the exact number is not known they are scattered over so 0 wide a range of territory that it is doubtful if even one of their own number could form a clear idea of how many there now are in the tribe the Pap agoes are arc wild in the sense that they are not civilized but not in the sense that they are bloodthirsty they are a very peaceful people and many of them assist their indian neighbors barsin in harvesting their grain they take their pay in supplies which they lay up for the winter season but in the summer they live chiefly on tho the fruit of the cactus plant and wild berries it is a wonder how they live at all some of those who lead a roving life own a few horses and cattle but the entire number of cattle owned by those who are not on reservation is only two thousand and the number of domestic fowls is one thousand the papago indians receive no rations from the government they are actually self supporting asking nothing of the government aud and receiving very little there are from three hundred to five hundred indians gathered on two reservations one near tucson and one near gila bend on the southern pacific railroad these communities are not models of their kind in tact fact they are described as having each about thirty miserable squalid adobe houses with not a drop of water within many miles except what is caught in pools during tile the uncertain arizona rainy season and in a short time this water becomes thick and vile because the pools are the common resort of the indians the cattle and the swine what the Pap agoes need most is irrigation L to make their barren land fertile for that land now will not furnish subsistence for a coyote or a gopher electric donth death la Is FAI fairess Wess the recent assertions of dr at the distinguished french that the majority of persons supposed to be killed by electricity are only partially paralyzed and can be resuscitated will be remembered says the literary digest at the recent meeting of the american electro therapeutic association in new york city prof edwin described some experiments made by mr E A Ren kennelly nelly and himself which seem decidedly to disprove darson vals assertion a ser tion four ducks were killed by the alternating current different frequencies being employed in different cases but in all instances though resuscitation was vas attempted by experienced physicians the animals could not be revived and post mortem examination showed that death took place in a few seconds after tho the passage of the current the discussion on tle paper pape I 1 was vas vigorous and interesting but most of those present sided with houston and kennelly accordingly electrocution seems to be a pam pair less and sure death at least to all who are killed by the alternating current |