Show sad end 0 of a bad boy our early stories aro are mostly as interesting as our first poems I 1 havo have only ono one specimen quotable just now low but it la is a gem it was written by a little girl of 8 I 1 believe and was a highly moral tale of a little boy whose fault was greediness and who overate operate himself at a christmas party tho the consequence and punishment of t this big piece of debauchery was a severe attack of scarlet fever on the f following Ol lowing day aud and 11 ha I 1 rapidly became worse w orse the fenuel Is s told in dialogue form mamma arthur you are very ill arthur yes mamma manima mamma arthur do you know you lire are going to we arthur yes mamma mainka arthur do you yon not think you had hotter better say a prayer but ho he had not time ho he died surely there is an antique even ICI simplicity about this method of bringing brin glug in ill the catastrophe which most of us would do dd well veil to heed london speaker |