Show PERSONAL JUDGE SUTHERLAND returned from Boise last evening GEORGE CULLINS madea trip to Bingham Bing-ham yesterday JAS T BROWN the pioneer merchant of Stockton is in the city F DICKERT left yesterday afternoon for his sulphur works at Cove Creek HON W W CLUPF of Summit county is in the city having arrived last night MRS J V 11 SILVA came down from Ogden over the Utah Central last evening even-ing C S BURTON went to Provo yesterday to attend the meeting of the woolen mill directors Ho JOEL GROVE of Nephi left for a visit to his old home at Pottsville Pa this morning JOHN II BURTON gave the inhabitants of Provo an opportunity to gaze on an honest man yesterday VERNE L HOLLIDAY county clerk of Utah county was circulating on the streets of Zion today BEN LIEBES representing a wholesale cigar and tobacco house of Kansas City left for the east over the scenic line this morning JUDGE 11 KIRKPARTICK returned Sunday Sun-day evening from Boise Idaho where he has been acting as counsel in a big mining suit for the last six weeks THE Adamless Eden company consisting con-sisting of eighteen Eves and two Adams arrived from Ogden on the Utah Central I this morning and are stopping at the Valley Val-ley House GEO KEMBLE who has been a conductor con-ductor on the D R G Western since the first passenger train was run over that road has resigned his position and will leave for the east in a few days S BENJAMIN a former clerk in Lipp mans clothing store disappeared from this city very suddenly and mysteriously about a month ago to the grief of numer gef ous creditors He has just been heard from and is at Los Angelos Cal JUDGE DUSENBERRY and Dr Pike will return re-turn from their tour of inspection of eastern east-ern insane asylums the latter part of this week They started from Washington on the 6th and it is rumored they are accompanied ac-companied by Delegate Came and Geo Q Cannon |