Show The First Cabinet Meeting WAShINGTON March lOThe Cabinet met promptly at noon today All members mem-bers were present It is understood the session was devoted almost entirely to the consideration of Federal appointments It is asserted on good authority that each member of the Cabinet submitted those appointments in his department held to be essential to the administration of public pub-lic business under the present regime The list it is understood included only such offices in which a change was desirable desir-able at once in order that the new secretaries secre-taries might discharge the duties of their offices without friction or embarrassment The deliberations of the Cabinet will probably result in a long list of nominations nomina-tions being sent to the Senate by the President today or tomorrow At the close of the Cabinet meeting the President Presi-dent held a public reception which lasted over an hour The President recognized Robert Smith as British consular agent of and for Eureka Arcata and Hooktonr |