Show All1liiii LINt 01 fReminiscences of His Life in the Tow which Hears His Same This little town writes Tmcoln Ill j correspondent to the St Louis Globe I Democrat which bears Lincolns name was not laid out until tlw year 1853 but j the county Feat of this iLogfin county has established and located at Postville las early as the year 1837 and there it was I that Lincoln became known to the resi dents of the county rostville was about one mile west of where the court house now stands and m is a part of the city of Lincoln and is generally known as the Fourth ward I inc courthouse and the hotel opposite built in 1837 are still standing the former for-mer in a good state of repair used as a Evidence while the latter is a tene ttenthouse in the full sense of the word pntaining a number of families some of ich turn an honest penny occasionally Jj 1 pointing out to visitors Lincolns Jt 1 For it was in this house that lAatiin often stojJpmt wlleu practicing ill u1ntv tIe 110tmn was then a small village and W attorneys and came here from Blooming Ion Springfield by stagecoach f or on ac Man of the tJlen men who were Wn young attorneys arc still living and I high positionR in SiOn and their profes lij1 III the politics of the 1IIe country aS have died after P state and national acquiring I AinonLlatl0nal reputations Among those living and tChhing t a I who is fond of larks of thfe lIlcn 1 story is Hon S C City associate t fl e is now one of the JU1tcs OIn1l1g Ill of the supreme court of relates the Cliaracteristi following story mct erls t 1 of 0 lifleoln l th the acts that won for At tone fOhriquet of Honest Abe tern1 of Court in Iflan named Potsville a 1aainst Hoblit had brought suit had been a man named Farmer The suit aPPealed r ltace and from a justice of the until Ci bc L1l1CDln knew nothing of it the Vas retained Hohfittn by Hoblit to trrr CS5C in the lAuuiiL try 0idky hen circuit court GAle of the forth d defenlni Bloomington Judge aPPeared Treat Fi Jilted now on llte idiJilted States bench was the clie t Went judge at the trial Lincolns testified to the upon the witness stand and defendant e account he bad against the ° Wing thl gave he amount due after E ore credIts and set ° ffs and Paid POsitively that he had not been n The nff w U VAJL tflly attorney for the Defendant produced LlIlbmOdu ed a receipt in full signed ft II b nor t had to the beginning of the the recoil to admit the r signing Sj the receipt luau had but told Lincoln he sup lost ClIlce arose it Lincoln at jud and left i jUdge lse t the 1ld t thei court room The alld Li them to proceed with the case ld not lda b l I ff to appearing Judge Treat go to the hotel and call 7 r n T = r J > VI him The bailiff ran across the street to the l hotel and found Lincoln jitjting jn the office with his feet on the stove apparently appar-ently in a deep study vhen he interrupted I inter-rupted him With IMrT Lincoln the II judge wanteyou u Oh does he replied i re-plied Lincoln if Well you go back and tell the judge I carmot < come Tell him I IhavetowaslrmyhandsT The bailiff I returned with the message and Lincolns client Biifieredanonsuit I Lincoln came to this county a few times after the removal of the county seat to I Lincoln and for one case he tried here he I I received luyi fee a deed tq a lot on the south side of the square IhoJot was I never sold but was leased to nan who I has a wagon factory upon it Secretary Lincoln collects the rents tbvough an I I agent here tia has never expressed a r I desire to sell it although it would now I bring a goou puw During the campaign last iall when the I train bearing Gen Logan and partY passed I through here Secretary Lincoln sqoke i briefly at the depot and said he would j I always kindly remember the little city that bore his fathers name I I |