Show 45 S r 7TiP 1I 1 CL ING O ttegardless of Cost I Our Entire Stock of SHIRTS UNDERWEAR j I HOSIERY NOTIONS I And the Most Complete Stock of 5 I tr mvVEILEt yI I I Ever brought to the Territory I 4 BAMBEEGEE Co 1 Two Doors South of Postoffice j MADSENS Furnitufo Emporium Wholesale and Retail Dealer in i Furniture Upholstery A CARPETS Of Every Description I have Just opened in myNew Warerooms Ware-rooms the Most Elegant Finest AND COMPLETE STOCK or = IF TJ S 3ST X 3 TJ IEL 353 Ever brought to Utah Call and examine my Goods and Prices and satisfy yourself and remember I i I am Never Undersold I 51 AND 53 FIRST SOUTH STREET East of Deseret National Bank and 42 SOUTH MAIN STREET P VV l4adscn tot Early Breakiast i COOK STOVES Paris Ranges Stove Trimmings WHOLESALE RETAIL P W MADSEN Co 51 and b3 E First South Street 5 S S r 8 5 rn 0 8 S U1 0 8 5 H H c ui riI 0 0 Cj 0 = 8 r EI Cj 0 I 0 O o ci Cj z q z X H c Z 9 Z 0 0 9 Q 00 W O d H f 8 H 00 P Z Z t 0 ti 8 I I S r I 4 I rJ1 t S I = E U t jH H 0 Z 0 0A H ttj 8 a p H 4 < LI 11 C u r3 w 13 Q 0 j E1r t10 m I i nj v 0 I m g S G q < S I q II I S 00 j r t f I t i I S i f i f3 1 H 4 1 tJ6q 00 t A C1u5O O ThwdI1 = H H p4 E t4 t O 1 o f4w 0 4 w S Fi P f1 i I U 1 S J I cll I lu J H p S u 1 t jrrrrc OTr 4 rTrI CAd Ar i EtLIASO NS 5 i1 < < a r f It Q1 Steot S 1 1 2 W 4 J You can find the largest assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES < 6yof all Kinds j And everything needed In that line at S LOWEST PRiCE S JR VERY Sl S l 5 S i ifl iI T i BOLIVAR ROBERTS S S W A NELDEN i S We Offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock OF q DRUGS ASSAYEBS MATERIAL Wearej Agents for TOILET AET1CLES all the Leading S Lead-ing Lines of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES joods we Carry q Surgical Instruments and can offer bet4 ter prices than ever1S Etc Etc before given EVER BROUGHT ENTIRE OUTFITS to this rou DRUG SToEst FURNISHED AT FIVE DAYS NOTICED ° WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD S WRITE FOR PRICES OR SEND A TRIAL ORDER 220 Main Street opposite Postoffice Salt Lake City S S I i POSTOFFICE BOX 973J J S Ko2661 TELEPHONE Nol 266 F NO-l PASCOE S DEALER IN Lime Cement Plaster Hair Building Rock TERRA OOTTA SALT S 5 AGENT FOR The Utah Lime and Cement Co Sanpete Palace Stone Co Utah US Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis Ind F Beck Cos Lincrusta Hangings VI JSew York Manil Building Material Marbalized Mantles Grates 0 Architectural Sheet Metal Work Etc WARWICK BLOCK FIRSTISOUTH STREET SALT LAKE CITY 5 5 CJLPT BO S S SALT LAKE CITY RATES 150 1 to 200 Per Day S S Corner Main and Third South Streets S 0 WING Prop S EIIr Satisfactory rates made by week or month tJ L THE SALT lAKE DEMOCRAT 33 ° P M FOR SOUTHERN UTAH DAILY 430 p > M FOR NORTHERN UTAH emi W oe137 EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY DAILY per year in advance 750 six months 400 three months 200 Per month 75c Size 24x36 inches seven broad columns to the page printed with New Type New Power Press New Engine the handsomest paper in Utah SEMIWEEKLY same size as the daily 300 per year 200 eight months 100 four months cash with the order Agents Wanted Throughout the Territory 1 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will fully sustain the principles of the National Democratic party as enunciated by its National Conventions and exemplified in the teachings of its great founders 2 It will advocate the doctrine that the people of Utah have wisdom enough and patriotism enough to govern themselves that the affairs of church and State ought to and must be forever separate and distinct and that every citizen should obey the laws 3 AVe believe that all the difficulties which surround the people of Utah will find a peaceful remedy if absolute freedom of discussion can be secured and independent inde-pendent individual judgment expressed 4 The SAIT LAKE DEMOCRAT will use the language of moderation and will revile re-vile no man for opinions sake While firm in its advocacy of correct political principles prin-ciples it will respect the rights of all others to hold contrary opinions j Full Telegrahic Dispatches from all parts of the world and all local news of general interest Address S AddressSALT LAKE DEMOCRAT 00 31 AND 33 E FIRST SOUTH ST S Sa11Lake City THE WYOMING II I I Hereford Association Ii I i OF WYOMING j Have opened a SALES YARD at the place formerly for-merly known as Pitts Gardens where can alwaj be found S HIGH 5 GRADE AND THOROUGHBRED I Ils r e fOrdS S s FOR SALE S I S j Ij j nGE MOfBG f t I S General lTer CALIFORNIA 1TOSHE CO S WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Whiskies Wines and Cigars n 1 S OPPOSITE THE WALKER hOUSES HOUSE-S Salt Laic City F I WOOL Agent t Season is now here and TULLIDGrE Co Have received their Spring Stock of PAPEB I VV ALL Including every design and quality S Kahomining House and Sign Painting I By the most skilled workmen and at S Reasonable Rates H E EYSON i 0 1 1 Gr eni Grocer r No 40 IT FlrstSontb Street j n S InDaUv receipt of CallfornlaPruitand Vegetables Vege-tables fresh Fish Game and Poultrv t I S 4 S 5 I H DRGW I Coal Agency I I 1 ti 143 S MAIN STREET tot5 P A o o 1 XL 1 O e 1 a k Gli a gfr c 5 e 9 S S rk a a s t CJ 30L O 1230L hoot t s S i i s t t r V e 23L o S S 55 O 1 O i O1 a S 1 o 5 j C > 1 o a a I 37 3L 0 1 S J 0 1 W5 c > 5 0 S Eo > a 5 c S 5 f f SHiS 1 S J I 1 I Aj Ii S 1 c All of the above Coals are thoroughly I screened and clean scr < f U 7 Prompt Delivery GTiuTrahteed n f j f SS 11 11l 1 I 1 I Telephone No 211 9ii SELLS BURTON Managers iLS I S H 1 I H5i Established 1569 0 s I KAHN BBOS n n S The well known and RELIABLE Wholesale Retail I 6r roc e r s Country Dealers will find it to their ADVANTAGE ADVAN-TAGE to send their orders to the above firm 1 5 In the ELctLLi1 Depnrtcdezit I The FRESHEST and BEST Goods are kept in Stock S KAHN BH 0 S JJf 1 1 Salt Lake City JJtatf jj I r I t t r Pioneer Fruit Packing House of Utah j Fred G Lyngberg I DEARER I I I Foreignand Domestic I F 1TrTS7 Etc I Oysters Fish Game I Nos 44 46 First South Street I WHITE HOUSE I I A Podlech Co Proprietors I MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY Y RATES 200 PER DAY I Special Rates bythe week THE BAR IS REMOVED ONE DOOR SOUTH and is kept first class in every respect Three Billiard Tables for the accommodation of guests A hot lunch will bo served daily from 7 to 12 p m P D SPRAGUE Passenger and Baggage Transfer o To and from all Trains to any Hotel or Private Residence in the City I Orders received at White House through tele D 1ioue No 152 or loft on slate ALL ORDERS lIvEN 1KOMFT A1TKNTION SCHOOL OF SIN GING MR 8 B YOUNG AND Madame Mazzucato Young LE SONS BY THE TSEM OF OFWIEIEIEIS TWEUJVB WEEKS On Mondays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at Calders Music Palace 45 First S Street OAL I S 00 Rock Spring i S Weber Red Canyon Pleasant Valley All thc coals in the market and the very bet of each I t 0 Goal Dept TJ I3E3 DELy S 0 A J GUN ELL Agent OFFICE Wasatch Corner YARD Utah Central Dcp EE Exchange Hotel OPPOSITE U C DEPOT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH B F Whittemore Prop FirstClass Bounl and Room Accommodations Accom-modations Hoard and Room 1 150 k 2 per Day Restaurant open at all hours DIIEAJaS 25 CENTS THE BAIt IS STOCKED WITH FIPST CUSS GOODS Ivvyers NEW BOOK STORE 8 S Is the only FirstClass Book and Stationery Establishment In the city where everything in be j BOOK AND STATIONERY LINE Can be had I Everything FirstClass NDAT Oi7Vest P ices Call and be convinced at 70 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY W G M STEWARD A S SA y ER 10 E Second South Street PO Box 419 Under barber shop east of U P Ticket Office NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION So 1021 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY March 6 1885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday April llth 1885 viz Knut August Elg Homestead Entry No 3902 for the east half southeast quarter see S3 8 S5 0 Wand W-and Lot 1 and southeast quarter northeast quarter sec 2 Tp 9 Slt 6 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viH Beniiion S H Bennjon J L Paxton Joseph Bennion all of Tooele County Utah II McMASTER Register Notice for Publication 5 No 1923 uS LAXD OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY March 9 1883 iTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at SaltJLake City on Saturday April 11 1885 viz Samuel Norman Nor-man Homestead Entry No 3537 for the 8ol SWJ i Sec 34t Tpf 5 N It 1 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Joseph E Hodson Joseph Alien John H Sill John Milliard of Dais county Utah II MCMASTEB Register BIRD < t LOWE Allys fdr Appelant Stationers Booksellers Order your Goodsof us by Mail or Telephone or call at our store by the PQ torn eon S e-on Main Street l SCHOOL BOOKS S NEIVSF1PERSS S MAGAZINES S ARTISTS SUPPLIES S 5 Of EVEKY KIND 161 Subscriptions takes for any PeriodicalS In the WorldS S S f S J lCt5 Parsons Cdii l1z I j r j5 S S S i i < M B SOWLES II M MILLERS MILLER-S 5 S SpWLES S MILLER S General Dealers in the WhiteS S SEWING S S 1ACBJNE Orders by Mail will Receive Prompt Attention SEEDLES PARTS AND EXTRAS WAYS S II S OX HAXD 39 W First South St Salt Lake City New JEWELRY Store 148 Main Street Entire New Stock OF DIAMcNiD GOLD AXD SILVER WATCHES CHAIXS RIGS LACE PTXS Marble Bronze Ebony and Walnut Clocks Solid sihcr ami Jlated Ware Remember all my goods arc new and of the Latest Styles Jewelry manufactured to order at short notice no-tice Please call and examine my stock and prices L HOLLANDER The Old Reliable California Brewery Is again this year 1883 producing the I Finest Lager Beer t IX THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS I S Bottled Beer a S Specialty Try it and be convinced OFFICE 17 and 19 E Second Southst Salt Lake City IIENKY WAGENER Proprietor BONNERUD FIELDING Contractors Builders PRESSED BRICK FRONTS A SPECIALTY Salt Lake City Utah KELLEY BROTHERS Manufacturing Stationers S mASK BOOKS BOOKBINDING PAPER RULING Main Street first door north of Jones Bank up stairs Salt Lake City Utah Salt Lake City S Soda WaterWorks HENRY DENHALTER C SON Proprietors Salt Lake City Utah Manufacturers of Soda Water Sarsaparilla Champagne Cider Ginger Ale Seltzer Water Appolinnris Water Vinegar Etc 28 30 West Third South F E SCHOPPE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves Cast and Wrought Iron RANGES T 2 IDT Copper and She tIrou Work 253 S Main St Salt Lake City FB NJ13 FOOTE ASSAYER SI OQ SOUTH MAIN STREET SALT LAKE JOJ City Personal attention given to all business P 0 Bcz 253 HoUr Pablie Eli B Kelsey I Real Estate Money Loaning I a use Renting and Collecting Agent Will Search Rfcorda for Investigation of Titles of Realties Male out Deeds Honda Mortgages WMe Agreement Etc Etc on Short Notice OFFICE No 23 25 FIRST SOUTH St I S SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I W W GEE S A1 r3aY1atI1ELw SEAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY Room No 2 Union Block Main Street 3alt I Lake City Utah I I H B Burrow ISAAC BARTON J B TORONTO A S GEDDKS I DESoznosrttIL of S8ETO c Oo I We have removed to No 44 S Main Street I opposite Hooper A Eldredge Block where va shall be ever happy to have you call and see us I I BARTON COt CO-t Wicil3 ul Soiiil Dwlsrih 1 i Metis YoKt7ts BOlls d CJrildrcns CLOTHING E3ATS CAJS and l FURNISHINC COOPS F C NICHOLS I DENTIST I OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone in Office Anesthetics given I E GILLETTE Civil Engineer and U S Deputy Mineral Min-eral Surveyor Contract taken for all kinds of grading in eluding Railways Canals Tramways and Wagon Roads O ficcNo19 Commerce Blhllngr S > j ri S F5et rtL111 kS |