Show first FOURTH FOURA of JULY Celeb celebration celebration ratio OF JULY first was observed FOURTH as a holiday with a public levee at the home of the president in 1786 three years P after the close of the revolution it is revealed in papers brought to light by the historical research department part ment of the carnegie institution of washington states a writer in the washington star the first of these is a letter from rufus king to elbridge gerry both of whom were members of the continental tin congress then meeting in new york it reads dr gerry in consequence of an order of congress a public levee wa was S held from 12 to 3 at the house of the president at which were present the members of congress officers of the great departments foreign ministers etc etc the cincinnati are in the highest prosperity they celebrate the day with a splendor exceeding any thing within the practice of government of course draw the buzzas and admiration of the multitude the chapter of these knights appointed a deputation of four members to present the anniversary congratulations to the president and members of congress they attended the levee and I 1 was witness to the deg re dation of government in seeing them reed etc etc that same day the new york daily Adver advertiser Advert tizer ize printed an account of the celebration the morning was ushered in hi by the ringing of bells and a discharge of cannon at 12 a grand procession headed by city watchmen and closed by citizens to the house of hs excellency the governor and from thence to the house of f vis liis excellency the president of congress where the compliments of the day were first paid to his excellency cel lency by the governor and afterwards by his worship the mayor in behalf of the citizens of new york from whence they returned to corres tavern where a cold collation was provided by the corpo corporation corporate rati I 1 on and the day was closed by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannon there follows an account of the meeting of the cincinnati at corres tavern in commemoration of the day at which suitable orations were delivered by cols hamilton and walker one of the 13 toasts was may the powers of congress b be e adequate to preserve the general union |