Show in the feedlot nine good sized eggs are equal to a pound geese are never troubled with lice blackhead or roup I 1 to carry the eggs sent to new england relief agencies required 20 freight cars an unhealthy poorly developed hen or pullet is seldom profitable herself and she may serve as a carrier of disease to the rest of the laying flock pullets of light breeds normally reach maturity and begin laying at four and one half to five months heavy breeds require six to six and one half months swarming is is an evil in modern beekeeping and must be controlled or if possible prevented if profitable honey crops are to be harvested I 1 it requires on the average lbs ibs of ice to cool a 10 gallon can of milk from 90 degrees to de degrees fahrenheit 1 I 1 oat yields may a b be e increased as much as one half of the entire crop if the seed is treated properly for smut advises C R cross okla homac and al college agronomist 0 in most areas it I 1 is s as dangerous to apply lime without making a soil test as it is to take for granted that no lime is needed i 0 0 I 1 western farmers report a large acreage of winter wheat but say that a arc great at deal of this will be used only for pasture i 0 0 I 1 sheep were the only farm animals present in larger numbers on farms of the united states on january 1 1937 37 than were present a year previously sly |