Show onti celio high graduates largest class III tonight sixteen names on roll the monticello Mon high schon graduating class of 1937 is ples presenting enting its commencement thursday evening at eight in the school auditorium this years graduates efad bates sixteen number twice a as 71 many ny as have ever completed high school in Ar thia deais seniors have been among am ong the most active students in school and especially this year have they the y accomplished several interesting extra curricular activities the senior play was hailed as one of the most finished and lively performances given by th the school in addition to ts first performance it was presen presented bcd again and was taken to moab is as a substitute for a mutual on stake honor day A successful dance was sponsored by the seniors ors and a sneak day was enjoyed at klesa lacsa verde national palk pak an ali excellent program has been arranged I 1 by b y the class with the assistance of principal glenn IV hansen hiss aliss grace blake was chosen valedictorian dic torian and miss bliss beail frost will deliver the salutatory address the no gram will bo be presented as follows i march of the graduates invocation bishop A J redd Satu SaN address pearl song grace blake and gwen bailey bailer prophecy song y A demar davar perkins valedictory address grace blake song to be sung on the waters iVa rae redd miss bradshaws Brad shaws presentation elmo elm redd response was miss bradshaw presentation of graduates principal glenn W hansen acceptance of gradual Gra duat s s H lloyd hansen presentation ol of diplomas joe adams farewell song by the graduates benediction D I 1 B perkins the senior hop will begin as soon as the commencement exercises itic finished j a class of 37 gwen bailey lynn pipkin la verda veida barton demar perkins grace blake rae redd erma ei ma Chris christensee Christen sei winogene Iro ogere redd hazel frost elmo redd I 1 pearl frost frest alladine Al maxine laxine sitton ogrita good gordon wood frances hansen marie ilarie weese |