Show we wish to call youa our attention to the fact that our paper was ready for delivery to the local post office last week beo belfore fore their closing hour at 6 PM also that it was printed before noon which is the te first time this ill has occurred in months and for which we are duly grateful since it proves hat ou our faith in our limited equipment and man is justified wo we are in no sense crowing over this achievement rather are we humbly grateful to our workers coworkers co who have worked with such diligence and patience to overcome the usual discrepancies and who have proven their irue true worth in other ether ways as w HI another abou thought lit we wish to ex press at this time is in ill regard to alture issues baues in order that your news lows items may receive prompt attention and proper ac we art making effort to secure detailed information about weekly or special events bents as they occur in m order to give full measure of credit to those who take pait in them we therefore ask of our local organizations to consider this request although we are also stressing it as ate contact the le leaders adert who plan the social and civic affairs please bear in mind that you are arc the ones to give us the first hand information and appoint conme one to be dc responsible for getting the news to us ua before and after the important events loo io take place anything received before wednesday noon is almost sure to be published since we reserve thursday morning for emergency articles and press work we will appreciate your cooperation our news bews paper problems will gradually adjust themselves even though the small boy may think otherwise concerning editors and some ome of our friends may aglee agee with kam the following essay written by ft a small boy who thinks he knows appeared in the echo the texas prison paper and we think it wil bring a laugh to offset the seriousness of the above the is sheets of paper on velch stuff to read is win printed the men look it over to see if their names is in it and the cimmin use nc it t to put on shelves V n sich I 1 dont know how cum into n the world and I 1 don t think god duz the bible dont say bothin about editors and none ever went to heaven that anybody knows of an editor is probably the link an editor never dies at least I 1 never saw one dead th ohp paper dize sometime but not t ibe ae editor and anuff ot editors |