Show on the 01 funny side THE PAWN TICKETS A county police officer giving evidence against a woman of robbing a pawnbroker astonished the magistrate by solemnly declaring that on od telling the prisoner the nature of the charge on which he arrested her she turned away from him and swallowed a bed tick a pair of stays two brass candlesticks a smoothing iron and the bellows magistrate amazed nonsense nonsense I 1 have you lost your senses man constable shaking your worship the pawn tickets of them she swallowed 4 IRIS BIS BASS SOLO what was the feature of the concert last night jimmy bass sang rocked in the th cradle of the deep A it worked well my dear said he as hot he was dressing 1 I spose you were right when you told me last night that there were burglars in the house 4 why because all the money that wa in my pockets when I 1 went to bed isi gone well if ben brave and gitl up and shot the wretch have had your money this morning possibly but then I 1 should have been a widower she gave him back half the money monedi why the rises the grownup grown up folks were talking about so and so who rose to be al a great lawyer one of the boys listening to the conversation said to another why is it that your father rise to be a big lawyer cause it takes him all his time lima to rise to get to work was the prompt answer wonderful radio radio is wonderful it besl just t think hink of the swing bands the politicians the torch singers the crooners the poets andi and the thousand other things one can silence simply by twisting a little knobl driving a tantrum magistrate a non motorist the officer has stated that you used bade bad language when you were stopped motorist well you see I 1 was in a tantrum at the time magistrate the make of your car interest me in the least not a blech mechanic anic helen does your fiancee know much about automobiles carl great scot no she askell me if I 1 cooled my car by stripping the gears QUACK QUACK a bird 1 wish that blamed cuckoo would vacate that apartment anil and give some one else a chancel chance veracity foreman howd you come to leave your last place applicant I 1 was discharged discharged huh what for doing well I 1 go on where were you J in a hospital two points of view willian williams is ive had this car for years and never had a wreck johnson you near mean youve hadi hadj this wreck for years and never had a car stray stories magazine it was there was there any shade in the desert yes but I 1 get in it why not have you ever tried to sit ini in your own shadow j activity Is there much activity in real estate around here 44 ill say there is answered farmer corntassel weve been averaging ave ragin an earthquake to every s six months |