Show POULTRY MEN SAVE TIME BY SCHEDULE timetable time table program off offered ered by an expert by J C taylor associate extension Ex enlon paul tryman new jersey jcrim y college collect ot of agri service by organizing the days work and following a time schedule labor efficiency fici ency on the poultry farm one of the essential factors in its successful operation can be greatly increased A will find he can accomplish comp com lish more work during the day by following a schedule and such a plan is especially valuable during the spring months when incubation and brooding in addition to caring for the laying flock keep most poul thymen busy from early morning until night A daily schedule or timetable time table for doing routine work is also one step toward reducing labor costs the following guide guida is offered to organizing gan izing a work vork schedule to suit the needs of individual poultry farms a m feed and water all stolk stock 1100 a m clean houses cultivate yards and pack eggs 1100 1200 tn feed green feed and collect eggs 1200 p m arf lunch hour p m water au all stock p m same work as from to 1100 a m p m feed and collect eggs Poultry men who have not used a work schedule will find it rather difficult to adopt at first but those who do follow the plan will be well repaid in time saved another step in labor abor efficiency on the poultry farm is the use of laborsaving equipment automatic water fountains in the laying houses and water piped to the range are laborsaving and should be found on an all farms A properly constructed catching crate can reduce the labor of culling or catching broilers and pullets at least one half feed and litter carriers in long houses are another means of lowering the labor requirements on the poultry farm |