Show NO SURPRISE TO HIM 1 I was surprised to hear bear your alfa make such an emphatic and convincing speech 1 I answered mr meek ton 1 I 1 haa have always known that henrietta could do just that thal for display purposes ie any gangsters in crimson gulch I 1 asked the traveling man A few answered cactus joe why do you let them hanf bang aroun around dr useful in their way whenever we have a reform election we need a few recognized ants to be temporarily cleaned out intelligent tet test david age seven was taking an A intelligence test the instructor asked his bis name when he said david the instructor said bald how tunny funny my name la in Gol goliath lath 1 I thought I 1 slew you years bearg u icso said gald david indianapolis news modern modem ideas ideal her dad would you div alv my daughter all the luxuries luxury ol of life hex her loveri lover I 1 would her dad geel gee I 1 hate to indru her future happiness to uch such 0 j idiot |