Show metaphysical TRUTHS in 11 this weekly talk I 1 will quote from ifrain a book dealing deal ins with the subject of CONTACT WITH THE HIGHER REALMS or OF BEING written in much h the same fashion as many others are wi driling ailing now as they tune in for such information and knowledge ns as is available from the great beyond in this instance the information was relayed to a woman of hitch high intellect ani and standing her ancestry dating back to revolutions revolutionary ry times the subject matter ot of this book in ill eludes ludes many references tp life beyond tile the veil and clearly def defines ines the purposes of ife again establishing the fat fact of ic incarnation these recordings cor dings dinis are believed to be communications from william tames james an american psychologist and nd philosopher who passed on in the year 1910 the book Is entitled LET US IN and was published in 1931 by a reputable table new york publishing house I 1 tell you these things to impress upon your minds that more and more information of great value is corn coln ing from brorn this hitherto unknown source and only as one may come in contact with such reading Z in material is it possible to comp compare a r C the relative value and so come into a better till understanding der of the greater possibilities in store for us an in all future time the particular chapter chosen at this time deals with CAUSE AND EFFECT and again demonstrates the need for clear thinking and acting at all times in our relation wh v idi our fellow man we ave quote to the rei remotest ends of the balth that which you do in vor closet the inner closet of your being sends forth its consequences every deed ded of love sends its di direct tee t consequence ravine out to t the limits of 0 the universe but equally the same applied app lieg to he dred deed of oc every shade and to the thoughts proceeding from all 1 l minds of course that includes us its here ind and all beings to the uttermost ernia st con fines of creation and since ill all exist in god it affects and afflicts the itself for be it understood at the very outset of our work that the he creator not only transcends but in dwells his hig whole universe all nature and beings don t burden anyone with the old theological conception of retribution but do make it perfectly clear that in a mathematically constituted universe tile the law of cause and effect is immutable this should bo be proclaimed froni from the house top 0 A the second point I 1 want to make clear is that your you little portion of bruman ir frux down there bant conceal froni those of 16 us who hive dropped the mortal sheath even the an smallest shade of thought the sooner you recognize lie this the b better ett even your thoughts though tiare 1 recorded and he be who here runs not nOtI only may but DOES READ Nol no deed ot of love no thought of cunning or cruelty do you succeed in co covering vering up it lies out like a smiling summer bummer sea to all who look 0 in the circulation ot of the universe you must and will inevitably reap what 1 you sow it is the law which ot others call karma in another chapter we find these words it if I 1 could only wr write ite it out for you in a clear simple picture ure composed com rosed as it were of words word of one syllable how the human race has progressed to its present yon YO know the story from a 2 historical historic nl point of 0 view I 1 would like to write it from the spiritual standpoint in early savage and tribal days the instinct of self preservation ex algell the importance of the tribe and family and kept the individual suitably ably submerged in yur present day development with no lions or and your free education public means of conveyance enabling even young children to travel long distances alone tile freedom of the individual has run riot certain men have carried their freedom in one direction have made great fortunes hoarded wealth till fill the fathers sull suii ply which should have been amply I 1 sufficient for a 11 hs has given to soone some that they are unable to use while others starve i I 1 these widely different diff erent paragraphs paragraph give you some idea of the subject subject matter within this volume but are sufficient to impress the fact that NOTHING IS LOST TO SIGHT IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS andl and lwe we who may think that ws we may enact a wrong wron to another but foot fool ourselves in such manner of thinking it Is true that there is a limit to which one must go as others enact wrong to us for the law may I 1 work both ways even in one lifetime period BUT so long ns as each and i every being on earth today will observe and try to live according to the two commandments given unto i us in such simple language 1900 years year ago we need have no concern labout about what our fellow man may do unto us we may leave it to a HIGHER POWER in this greatest of all ali accounting times to mete out justice according to our own manner i of living I 1 would ask of you however to lo do some real thinking concerning the information coming to you through these column colum nF for they are witten i each week on these varied subjects sub jets in ili order to share with you such I 1 knowledge and information as I 1 find helpful at the present ville |