Show french capital noted for odd street names not only persons and events are recorded la in the names ot of paris thoroughfares ough fares but colors animals saints virtues and vices god and babylon each have a street the trinity has a square the holy spirit a public courtyard and the child jesus Is represented by an impasse called de ien tant fant jesu on the left bank not far from the bright lights of tremont the mont parnasse par there Is a street ot of bad boys as well as another of good children near the pero pere lachaise Lac halse cemetery Is an appropriate street ot of repose there just facing the celebrated burial ground Is a cafe an and d the enterprising ter p proprietor has hung a sign on lils ills door reading welcome I 1 you are better oil off here than across the street la rue du chat qui reebe beche or the street of the fishing cat Is another anoche r of peculiar nomenclatures to be found in paris as well as the streets of white coats odthe of the red ball the green road the golden king and the white queen As tor for sizes there Is the big pebble street little fields street also big fields street of the big bottle the little monk and the big priory |