Show ATTENTION CAR OWNERS 1934 license plates expire feb 28 1935 anyone found operating a motor vehicle after this date without 1935 plates will be stopped from driving and will have to pay double the price of the license 1934 chauffeurs licenses expired dec 31 1934 any person driving or hauling for hire is required to be a registered chauffeur all persons operating mating motor ve vehicles Nicles on the highways are required to get an Opera operators toes license all persons who do not at present have one of the above are liable to judgement jud gement for violation of the state motor vehicle laws persons not possessing a drivers or operators license who wish to secure one must appear at t the county seat with their car for demonstration car must pass inspection as to brakes horn lights and windshield wiper before operators licens license e can n be given if ear car passes inspection in p then drivers will be permitted to try out and take necessary examination for a drivers license said license examinations are issued only by a state slate highway patrolman highway patrolmen are ar at monticello ello on the 2nd and and ath thursdays from p ro p m the next date for examination is 13 thursday feb all AH persons not having license for cars trucks or chauffeurs and operators licenses license s i are on risk thereafter |