Show FE FERA A FUNDS HELP ELP university STUDENTS in projects ranging from sewing to ditch digging from work in the nursery school to graduate research work men and women students out ot of a total enrollment of at the university of utah are busy carrying out useful projects provided for by the Federal emergency relief administration funds students doung doing FERA wark ire allowed to 0 o earn from to 1500 per month depending upon their need although this extra work places a handicap upon some students the government insists that they maintain their scholarship work done adone by the men includes research stenographic work grading papers nd ind work on the buildings and grounds As far as possible students are assigned to work for which their training suits them and in which they are most interested work done by women students ir eludes sewing projects modeling for the art department grading papers f work research work in the nursery school library work wietel cratt craft and work in the student health department in addition to the money paid for work students who ire are doing their own cooking receive allotments of food each week |