Show TOWN FOUNDERS MEN OF HUMOR judging from this list of odd appellations Appel lations the interstate commerce commission thought it was being pretty smart when it revealed that there actually was a town in iowa named what cheer but it crawled away in shamia shama when tho the post office department went into action the chicago and north western railroad applied for permission to abandon a railroad that runs to what cheer and that started people to thinking that there might be other towns cantered r catt ered around the country that grow and thrive despite funny fun ny names the post office department which has to know the name of every hamlet in america crashed through in beautiful fashion after considerable research it was revealed that arkansas and kentucky were tied for the leaders leadership hip arkansas claim to greatness rests largely on this list of towns bee branch tomato chimes evening shade ink love romance sweet home tag raspberry solo umpire smackover Smack over fifty six which Is in stone county and Is not to be confused with forty r four which la Is in izard county zinc stamps and okay ordinarily that okay would give arkansas the championship in a walk walh but it was learned that kentucky has one too which Is spelled 0 K I 1 I 1 kentucky started off with a beau alful string of girls names lizzie maud minnie nell pauline pearl sophie susie tillie and virgle it followed that up with this Im inspiring list awe decide dingus barefoot barnyard dimple gee gent biscuit bee cyclone hippo X kingdom come gus good luck jump and sassafras and believe it or not there Is a burg in kentucky named i burg way down in georgia where the people dont like to waste any more energy than necessary in talking they go in for short names al cad dial due na ila and rex when they do get ambitious they wind up with names like enigma and ahoo P pee indiana has its santa claus and florida has its christmas colorados best efforts were graft hygiene Ily glene paradox and sunbeam arizona offered bumble bee chloride snowflake and tombstone which has a newspaper called appropriately enough the epitaph iowa has alra which was there n long time before the national industrial recovery act was passed kansas has bazaar bloom and gas idaho Is definitely weather conscious what with chilly and coolin so far as individual towns irrespective spec tive of state lines are concerned the th gull rakes rages as to whether first prize ought to go to energy ill III or rough hough and ready calif washington post |