Show CIVIL SERVICE examinations the SCUPS SC SI UPS ites civil service commission lias has announced open coin petit lye examinations as fellows 3 junior ak ag hul i il statistician 35 P to 2600 a year or of arl A rl ture specified education and exper cultural dept of ct Arl cul anre specified edu education catton and experience required closing daie dae july 24 associate veterinarian diseases at af wild animal life 1200 a year bureau ot of illo survey dept of 0 agriculture specified required closing date calv 2 fall all states except iowa vermont virginia ant an ill thi dist disi of columbia have recai o l less than ihan their quota ot cit ants in file departmental bejvl Ber vl in fit washington D C full information may be obtained from the secretary of oc the ho united states civil service bearl of 0 E Es amin ers at the post postoffice office or custom house la in any city or froni from the U S chit service commission at al 1 washington |