Show timely topics topic S PLAN MADE BY SOME WOULD ALMOST ENTIRELY ELIMINATE COUNTIES AS THEY NOW ARE A V utah dally paper the salt lake lak e tribune has now given us two stor lea ir by get fei 31 of the il YU in irois alvo allocating cating provincial ile ilc of con t GIS ills his se sec c ond oril contribution is inie of two realign aneiros an eirts iz no 0 o 1 cut down tile the number of courties now 29 to seven units and no 2 abides the state into e eleven I 1 county districts which in ill southeast t utah for instance would make san juan and grand county and carbon and emery one and one for ulalah Tu dufresne chesne ant and wasatch while itlie alle no ko 1 would make one for these south east counties etc mr hansen uses topography none too well as an important factor tho is very important these four south east counties might tie be made one un nn it and lie be forced to make the seat ot of government at price and seasons and bf highways eways would permit reasonable transportation even it if commux might not be too good but tor for northeast counties he would lenore ignore both bogli the wasatch and the aln tali ranges the latter being joeine cutwa deftest ref test mouri mountain tain uplift right in the northeast corner of the state of utah county about 14 years tears ao al 0 permitted a small area ito ho ibe be cutoff and dagget county wag created and only people but that little corner was isolated and for three to six mouths months of the year irei aret to varnal vit bout going arlind aro ario ind und via coalville Co alville a nd cleber city or miles to attend court or oth er business only 10 50 miles mile away put hut this proposed of fit counties or elimination of 0 count counties lesl is only a manifestation of ft sort kortje rational yaU onal ne alignment othe r alian economic many are championing the I 1 rion in that states should lie eliminated bizzer units and like mr nr clansen of 0 airm arroo 0 support the scheme I 1 liy by statements facilities of 0 transportation anil communication now making ni the old set up of nation i I 1 al ai units called states antiquate dand and entirely out ot of tune time with progress there may mav lie bo some justification tor for aoth of 0 these plans that is climena tion of many annn counties makin maldet mak in lar larser er units anti and for itlie ithe same applied to states ain ch ina us its perhaps forty or thirty five stars in the flag la estea instead d of ft 43 i moreover this same impulse for does not stor stop here there are still other f lin hanzes nees chief amon amoin lii cli leaders te tell 11 us is national recognition ot of cities or a quasi city autonomy now inow fellow americans how Is that utah in such a deal could have only partial jurisdiction over salt isalt take lake city and washing Was hint ton would have tle the other tart part it Is just a reversion to tile old system in force when columbus discovers america feeble as ailts weekly is 13 a small voice crying out in southeast utah it would lie fie very der olit E auld it not express opposition t to any serious chance and foially loI diw ally ww in state and national all ament ot of political un its no keep this political or ar ran ins as it Is it as aa we have learned to love ft let no technocracy carve a new nation nit lon 0 r may do it let experts expert Is stay in their laboratories decentralization Is planned by president roose velt while these lintel would promote lon now a serious matter small units have clr tues bues biats essential crl tur which such plans would upset ane anc nearly eliminate per capi capici valm tinn the gulda or the ticked en abo it is n facto N i all affairs in vol vinz cash nil 1311 money is not as much as sor gorl health hia ali morals ro ralS pure dime lives and withal a livic that would lie as many dowil have it made more rapidly complex ant and it la Is right now more complex than the average citizens appreciate |