Show monticello WINS BALL GAME WITH BLANDING SUNDAY sunday the same game between the jun fors of monticello and blanding IHan cling was played rin on the local diamond an quite n game with vr fth the local nine I 1 ing the honors ly y 15 1 it i T 7 or n I 1 like ike that and only six innings annin played it makes one wish he ale were youna youn again to see those hoys boys show some S speed peed anti and action and pet get right into tile alie harness li arness and play hall Is up a mighty good team they play Il landIng down there july ath and diancin will have to go co some to match thein there Is no better sport and it Is wholesome anti and beneficial the local legion Is doing well to support this move here anil and the generally pene rally should give fire it due attention no 0 o grand brand stand makes it unpleasant for tile the ladles alies adles hut but it Is tree free ond worth as much as any picture show |