Show SYSTEM OF appointing APP INTING OUR OUR postmasters IS criticized our appointing of postmasters la Is hen some harsh m by lewis berriam ferr Iam of the brookines institution i Washl Wasll naton ni tun sir mr merriam states eely COY that even with examinations lil ld for postmaster jobs the appoint ants are made on a patronage ba ier kirst second and third class boffl irs are under tile postmaster genal Y thru a hidden subsidy toabe alty in power these head bead positions 1 riven out but even fourth class sitione sit Jons ions like the others are hand 1 in much the same manner altho X A ts Is supposed these ari are strictly civil X filce mr merriam lam contends that public does not belleve elleve li a lot of f is B Is honestly handled handl edlon on a ton lon basis altho the positions are ial in fit nature arld arid should he be arced from political party patrone v this old spoils I 1 i system stem still ilia ids on ind and it I 1 t Is just as as lot of other activities |