Show MAKE 1 0 W il I 1 reductio S salaries of most county employed Emp loyes are cut tuesday was regular lay day for the county chanty commissioners anti and all three were on ban hand with chairman ife aie ocr frost presiding not so many visitors vis it as usual but equalization out ot of the way rapid progress was made with the business reduction It ol of salaries of county officers was important matter finally decided ns as follows clerk and record er 1200 treasurer sheriff and assessor a sess orcut cut to 7 50 0 each tills this will n make a net savins saving of about a year and it is forced on oil the board hy by uie lie lack of funds liy by unpaid taxes and low ion valuations the commissioners had their salaries reduced a year or so aga aen likewise mileage ml leace and they did not lower this small amount now received the county per advice ot of engin eer ott OIL drouth relief man officially asked for designation of more work to help range rane conditions by developing additional watering wate places A letter was written to the state road enni commission mission asking that the road across the vega veca wash he be improved at once bouce and setting forth the biti dangerous crous nature of the road oad as it 11 now stands A job to t cutout the long canyon hill bill and curve on pe the monticello blandina road was asked calling attention nt ol of the state officials that this was promised the board when they visited the state boffl dais last amny routine matters were disposed of Inel tiding sellina sellin tr a claim or two but another official letter was drawn drain up ip rez regarding arding the miles of county secondary roads and advising state officials that belp j 11 need e ed d to encourage d development c of the lands and permit resh residents lents to get to the two secondary roads now grav aled no has been done on miles |