Show LOCAL HAPPENING albert L owley 22 21 2 2 of salt lake ake I and ethel C dilton dalton 20 of 0 Blandi mr procured a marriage license july 2 and the ceremony performed at blanding as reported to us its the room Is tile son of ij L J rowley owley ll and the bride Is claud daltons dalfons Dal tons daug daughter lifer we understand the alie young couple will make maie their home in fit salt lake city y 0 A adams president of the ic t arri rl co went to salt lake lae monday on business I 1 Cha chauncy tincy black pot got hack back home from his sheep shearing trip that he mikes makes every year from arizona into byomin and is now in that barber shop as usual jack russell has been here again on matters best known to t himself and miss peterson rc terson of the local relief office airs J NJ scrimp motored to indian creek tuesday to 0 o pet get her husland who will spend the fourth in tl ahbe re parts N 7 mrs J ward palmer is tile the mother je fine baby girl eirl born july find and even ward doenz well it if your phone does not unction function normally for a few lays days you yon blame it onto that girl eirl or if too to many rings then cuss J W rloyd lloyd perkins parkins and wife with mrs perkins mother mrs kins king have been here within the week visiting the old home town or at least sir mr per berkins king town as lie is file sm sion of assessor P D it ba perkins they returned july 1st ast for their california horne home near nea r los angles last week end ty fly several friends miss ins josephine ephine bronson motored down to bluff to swim eat cat apples and watermelons water melons and wade the san juan river where it is said fish bask lastly inathe sun and need only he be picked up to he be c cabel ca uel LV they pot got home safety safely sometime J saturday geo gen A roote and wife and bistro his two sisters caroline and mrs lillian peterson of perron ferron utah were visitors at the clement johnson bonic ot of the eastern monticello section ta the e I 1 birst f 1 1 arzi week the three aside from 1 mrs 0 rs week sir foote hiss foote and mass peterson are sisters to 31 mrs johnsons Jolin sons while here a week they visited some including a trip over to mesa verde park mr foote is a policeman in los andies and wont ont have ranch much ion lonser er to worl work before he is retired redon on pension the brother and three sis and all relatives hail had a time together to amon the outside visitors who attended the lh estock inee tinz tuesday evening here wore were the follow ins and many others ot liers ed chas has redd I 1 eihl geo perkins leland redd al barlev redd jacob adams clerbert redshaw IL 11 V U nutt butt am irose brose anderson earnest adams all well known men is county revon devon jones Is ils now helping J T I 1 II 11 I 1 eazer easer on this emergency work there lot of red tape and the officials charae rl charse evidently desire all iii tion possible mrs J 11 II kaper eager has lieen been promoted and is now manager of food brer erva uon for san juan and grand counties and report is that the position is now mado made orth special effort and nearly full time tim eNlis sirs eager has had training trai in tills this line and knows the local conditions well and likely she will fill the position with the utmost faction to to all aile will work hard and keep on the joli job crarry boulding Coul ding ln was in town tuesday on lousiness returning return ins tile same flay day to his home near the arizona TT itah tah line where he runs a comina tion guest ranch and trading post yi f ft L the seasonable delicacies can an at westons cafe and the prices are reasonable demice sen ice satisfactory while in durango colorado last las week end the staff of vie tile record called on newspaper fri friends enIs there and visited the plants of the herald democrat anil and the news dally daily and weekly respect hely ely the herald has a very likeable and competent force omon anil and women in its office and mechanical departments likewise tile alic news filiere v amre a congenial conKen lal corps of journalists and printers get et out the news 2 times a year we look forward to liming lini ins some of these color ado newspaper folk folic making a visit into the vastness of san juan county chairman frank halls presided and ir 11 L hansen haasen was selected n ns temporary secretary as mrs airs is J wilson was not present after read inzttie iny the two calls the convention proceeded to nominate the five men who lire aire to attend resulting tit in the follow in quin parley redd 11 L hansen 0 IN W I 1 perkins aei kalns ralph bailey leland redd and chas feild as alternate the bol aaa as not represented fly a large crowd lint but those pre present man vested determination to hold to their party alignment anil and fight ficht on in the truly american way A boil spirit pre and less joshing joshin about the new peal deal than about oth er phases of the present ilal sit rations pat ions too late for this week it uncommon to read in a paper too late tor for last but here is one that is to tio lite late for this week rl Tuesday evening radio weekly letter oil an main events tells about di rector wirt vm Peters son nn giving out a lee ture on government cattle buying program aloo ram aej abid yet the lle information did not reach us jig until july etli iia aad tills been more mor e generally pene rally known the Dire directors tors talk would bao haie e been heard by many in tills county r several went to the san tuan riv ri er yesterday vest erday to prospect tor for sold gold pit al anz on the old cold slit silt laden stream famous for pockets of if coarse sold gold it Is made unusually fascinating because the river is almost dry for tit ali first time ever known leaving the bed open and free for me lei to see just what is alons along the old water course |