Show FAMILY REUNION high above the alic acres of tills this community on pine sheltered flat grandma cornelia was tile special guest ot of honor at a reunion of her immediate family together with wit their husbands and NO wives v es and children and grandchildren during last sat gat day and sunday huck buck lioard card flat was dotted with an assem arseni bly of relatives lelath ea from utah Colora colorado dop california anil and wyoming aho vho had Jour nied to this hill top rendezvous ren devous camps somewhat resembling those abos e ot of early birly days but perhaps lacking lackin li IR pioneer discipline were scatter scattered about in every direction no apparent detailed was riven given to sports tor for physical rest tr for tile social bee supplied impetus which carried every other necessity beyond at ten centioli save tle tile demands ot of calling stomachs alis informal reminiscing ana and gay laughter with will the repetition of vy ity gone adolescent ift PeZ anks inks songs avit with masterful Interpretation speech es and exchanges of wd will cliar char acter col cd the stan darl I of this strict ly socialized socialised gatherl wr in tile midst of which sto stanl 1 l grandma Gra nilma SO 89 in 1 n like symbol of a patriarch patriae patri arh th I 1 arn in Nati ill one year afore utah was settled by the Ifor mormon nion people she applied her intern 1 u lo 10 1 0 all present at tills this the alert ness of one of genri in her naia tion of the stream of time she it lias has never gone efine with the clr cir current rent she has shot the rmilda of rn ment 1 nt and the whirlpools of adversity adae rs but her boat was a avs b lipauf d upstream rowin rowina rin on 0 o thit fief fa foit etain aln licad of crystal water a al 1 this rp 1 ts iq f fie lieski liet 01 Ki 11 r iwori IV her posterity aliat it jv ant nt be hinr va irs before she will drop anchor and cross the aar tn in ST rn ii from paroman utah prot rd il in sanferd colorado niri n iri h hr hor r hns liand tars ars n who aji mt f wall rn rin ne an ilem in 1010 aa alii iq 1 I she has often returned to monticello an dother utah points to tn visit etti her children those present of her immediate family were mr air aind mrs mra oeo aeo A adams fri llo mr and I 1 mrs rs swen peto reap sort son mr pid vr ra M J mr fr 11 11 r moi rort tsen anser sanford ranford CoIn colorado rado mr and mrs A k T J clayton mrs alyde salt take lake mrs tearl pearl es rf liland calif mrs rha jack jackson son manassa Mn nassa colo pre breont ont rit worp mrs cornelia perkins ns P pert art adaina atta adams mrs tiia T iia band leavina on their 10 ions alx mrs thayel caird cespe wyo lri zola Te Tle torson orvill orval peterson rp terson IN ilford sanford Sanf oril colo mrs vera alyde traynor salt lake jake mrs alyde jones rii rayson utah sirs mrs inez D dams adams ephraim utah wife ot of a late grandson andson sr ronald 11 1 dams adams besides seventeen great grand children others present were mrs lira orval peterson looter peterson sanford colo nans jensen mrs leon ailais monticello adelbert Ad elhert traynor nf if salt lake to together elther avith W car loads of friends from monticello 1 monday morning this reunion began to dis hand and and some leaving on t their h e I 1 r journeys Journey si while others remained rem alneil for or a few days more lilt tims thus disperses a larce arge catherine gathering of 0 relatives who justly honor and love grandma cornella cornelia e 0 0 0 i |