Show dry valley news edited from outermost point camo sunday june it was with thank fullness that pry dry valley residents watched clouds gathe bather r lis jig bened to it thunder and then the rain drops on the root roof followed by hall anil and a flown down pour polar of rain which not only laid tile the dust effe ethely lint but atso ato 0 watered tile gardens so faithfully worked hy by two of our newer members each morning they examine I 1 gardens to t take note of all progress thru the night anil and rejoice over eich each new hit bit of green that fies les to the resi results tits ot of their labor our mornin ie era were sir mr toh and ire ife Mil mildrea dreI and their youner as they thru to spend tile day lit at the outer porto port r gateway canin mr T P may fay r editor d of f the ho sao ra juan record and its his son donald dinv inv were aln als tnie niesto itts for inner dinner at 5 10 23 22 of the home of truth ifer her assem assembled blod at the community at this for the he q service led on this his bec occasion sion lv by marie if 31 0 a ten den the alie in merC effina iii included affen minutes of amin aln ina wilh elva sprague Sp a talented mu lately arrived from Chic act acri at the piano a period of illuminating and instructive guidance dance the ille was broucht to a pose mose will the meditation and prayer our latest arrival front from florida thomas robertson Roberts nn left it the blandin friends to join the afi top grona located some 20 miles from mat poll ro t on Tuest iw mr irr eldon his mother sirs mrs mary willos anil and r fred kunz junz all of milwaukee gwisc left tor for their home after it a vis it of two weak beelis s berret Iier pt nt at flidr do de would ile he mor keen were they not expected to t return to this valley for r permanent reside resilience ore ere lony later in the day bernice gamb linar arrived arri vei for a three ilov dv visit VP learn with reini renti ine lne reg regret rel 1 that chanso change in the tl e local postal service will ovill relieve from liis ills present little duties as mall mail carrier we e appreciate the part lie he has so faithfully played in that service sen ice as well ns as the personal qualities that have made our contacts so agreeable our good wishes follow him as lie he chooses cli noses other fields of endea endeavor vor the outstanding out ebent of this week 0 ot progress ls bov a abin farour tor our lead erMarie M biden at theoster tile the outer portal date way we three miles mile s in from tho the bl h way it Is ia located locate d at a point some higher than the other cabins overlooking tile surrounding country la ja every direction on saturday iier ter furniture furni turg was moved from moaitt where it t has been stored since her from the east last september we olnee with her in this accomplishment ment and our rood good wishes tor for happiness are exten Pil to her |